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Everything posted by mdemko

  1. How bout spelling my name right... And how was my comment about the terrorist getting a trial bad? Explain this. Wrong. He was on some sort of bath salt like drug which is closer to Meth and PCP in chemical structure than acid. If he was on acid, it would have come up in a spinal tap. I have done my share of acid, and i can tell you this, its not what people make it out to be. You do not see little elves and leprechauns. You see patterns and colors and things move like words and such. And sometimes, if you take enough, your preception on reality can change Slightly. For me, everything rotated 90 degrees to the left. Acid is a vary spiritual drug, not a nightmare inducing chemical. You sir are an IDIOT. 5% of state taxs go towards corrections. Such a small amount that it has little to no effect on the economy. Do you even know what backs the U.S. dollar? NOTHING. The fact that we are in a war that we arent really gaining any ground in has caused other countries to lose faith in the U.S. dollar making its value drop. Thats why the economy sucks. Not because some douche is awaiting trial and sentencing. And if you really want to talk about wasting tax payers dollars, then lets talk about the death panalty. Putting a prisoner to death is actually far more expencive that a life sentence....About $35.3Million more expensive. Like I said... Clearly you dont know anything about the country you live in.
  2. Lol. I have RCT2 on my pc right now, and I'll admitt. I'm not as good at it as I use too be. It's still a blast.
  3. Possibly. I dont know anything about Hagerstown, but it might just make the track really slick
  4. Battle bots was better imo
  5. Saying that someone deserves to die without a trial is immature. That is not what this country was based on. Excuse me for being a decent person, but I forgot that its a crime to stand up for someone's rights. You are no better than the guy who shot up the theater if you Honostly believe that murder solves murder. Let's say he did get what he deserved as soon as he left the theater. Then there would be alot of dead cops when they went to search his apartment. Ask questions first, shoot later...
  6. Stage coach.... I have several pics of fiesta. Close up and clear. The truck is also on a 07 Chevy body. Not on an 04
  7. I own an S&W AR-15, fully auto Thompson M1A1, surpressed .270, bullet proof vest and night vision googles. Got it all at a tactical firearm store here in Houston. Had to pay $200 and fill out a bunch of ATF paper work for my class 3 licence, but I can legally purchase everything he had and then some.
  8. It's not a matter of tax dollars being spent or wasted. It's about civil liberties and rights. Would you want to be shoot without a trial? Probably not. You are vary immature for saying anybody should be convicted with out a trial. End of story. And who are you for saying that someone does not diserve to live?
  9. Bob and dove tail the bed, And just dove tail the front. Keep it on the stock chassis but incorporate a roll cage. Would be cool if it was leaf sprung with shacks. Maybe some 38's.
  10. Over the Falls: Primus He got up and tried it again For lack of persistence is surely a sin As he stood by and waited to be called He looked to the lightning with glee And admired his vessel for its symmetry Feeling twelve units shy of a bacholer's degree..
  11. The terrorists from 9/11 got a trial.A military trial, but still a trial. The sixth admendment states: In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence. Clearly you dont know much about the country you live in.... So your saying we should run this country like the Islamic Extremists do?
  12. Fortunately, that's not how this country operates. As much as I am for the killing of those that need killing, this guy deserves a fair trial. That's what separates us from those monkeys in the Middle East and South America.
  13. Drugs... And not the fun kind. Death penalty laws are set by states, not by the national government. My state(Texas) still has the death penalty.
  14. In his car... He left the movie through a emergency exit, drove his car around to that exit and went back in. Bullet proof vests are easy to hide. Just wear a shirt over it. There are also holsters advailable that almost completely concealed a pistol, making it almost impossible to tell if someone is packing.
  15. mdemko

    Your PC games

    Figured I'ld repost mine since I found a bunch of old games...
  16. Water tends to sit ontop of a clay surface...
  17. Bad movie referance there PC. Anyways, Im going to be pissed if Semi-Automatic Assault rifles are banned because of this....
  18. Well, I do have the old King Krunch chassis made...
  19. Hey now. Don't you talk to Eric like that.
  20. If it is, it will more than likely be released at the end or the season.... Patience.
  21. Well. I haven't posted anything project wise in a while so.... This is actually a rather old model of Bailout. It is currently being reworked and tweaked by a friend.
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