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Everything posted by mdemko

  1. I always did liked your videos. Nicely put together. Not overdone with alot of effects.
  2. Looks great Rock. But to whomever made the headers to airborne ranger, they aren't quite right. The header tubes go over the main frame rails into the collector then into a muffler and turndout tip. The entire exhaust system tucks up nice and close to the body. I have pictures.
  3. I came... That was awesome. Just needs more "Bigfoot is doing it in the air!"
  4. Does cannabis count as a food
  5. Rule 1) don't ask about V4 Rule 2) don't ask about V4 Etc, etc...
  6. Is that the mark iron from Draggers?
  7. If I ranted about the things I want, the government would take my interwebz away
  8. It's just you. Also ads= income for the site. Without ads, the owners of the site would have to pay out of pocket to keep this placing going.
  9. Rock's is so much better. Why would anybody want the old one?
  10. My father. And that's not even how I got it. I got the police chief to sign off for me. All you need is $200, extensive background checks and a place of business/trust( how my friend Joey went about doing it. Now he can build guns). If you don't have a business a CLEO can sign off for you, basically giving you permission. And I'm not limited to 1986 weapons. In Texas, if you can get a chl, odds are high that you can get a class 3 weapons permit.
  11. Thought I'ld give life to this old thread. Look what I found at my door today. It's a replica of les claypools primary CT 4- string piccolo bass. -Walnut wood -32" scale -EMG active pickup -Kahler 2410 tremolo -Active EQ.
  12. When you know what your doing, dubstep is actually really good. As a bassist, I love dirty, filthy, dubstep with huge drops and lots of wah wah wah wah. Ive been experimenting with my bass and style trying to reproduce that sound. That's why I got a tremolo for my bass. I still need to invest in a few good effects pedals, and eventually, I want to get a synthesizer. Look at Pink Floyd. They did alot of work with synths, and their music is pure sex.
  13. It's funny... I can watch videos of torture, death, and decapitation, but as soon as you replace the human with a dog, I can't watch.
  14. Autotune makes bad singers sound better.
  15. Auto-tune sucks... End of discussion
  16. I agree with you there. My neighbor owns a pit, and its the sweetest dog on the block.
  17. why? because i have gone through the required training? Because the ATF has done extensive background checks on me? lol the US government doesn't think I'm a treat, so neither should you.
  18. And what reason could you possibly have for reviving a thread from january with this nonsense.
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