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Everything posted by mdemko

  1. It will be driven by long time crew member Shane England. I commented on David Smith's post about the truck asking if it would be on a Racesource or Scott Stephens old chassis and my post got deleted. I know they were renting out the TORP chassis to some guy in Dallas. Personally, I hate it. The trophy truck bodies look retarded on a monster truck and all the guys on the desert racing forums agree. They don't fit right. And that's what they are. Fiberwerx trophy truck bodies. It's not even original anymore. They only guy im fine with running a trophy truck body is Robby Gordan. With that being said, I still wish Shane and the rest of flame Motorsports the best of luck with the new truck.
  2. El Toro jumping over Bounty Hunter at WF5 Saw that poo live.
  3. Sorry... Auto correct fail. I ment Table-tops
  4. Looks good so far. Might I recommend using table tips for the first jumps?
  5. 5) Carolina Crusher(Porter) 4) Monster Patrol(Meents) 3) Busting' Loose 2) Paul Huffaker 1) Flame Motorsports. Honorable Mentions: Monster jerky/Big Dummy, Obsession/Obsessed, Bear Foot(Penda/motor madness era), S-10 Avenger, 2002 2500HD Patriot(more trucks need that body)
  6. Honestly. The whole spinning "G" thing is rather tacky and stupid. Tires look good Gecko.
  7. From owning a set of grabbers I can tell you the tread blocks aren't that deep. The tire is a sort of alterrain/ sand tire. It's a nice start though.
  8. Chat is 'T' ingame I believe. As for those other leagues, they have their own web site.
  9. Sounds like every monster jam game game so far....
  10. Well since Davebert is here now, maybe we will see a return of PPRL in its entirety...?
  11. Vary nice. How bout a set of 35" general grabber's?
  12. High Dave... Yes, high as in that's what I am. Glad you came on over. Bunch of underage ban going on in 'mere
  13. this is America. We use Fahrenheit, not Celsius......
  14. As long as he's not stoned on the track, I don't see what the big deal is.
  15. Trust me, he's smoking more than just pot.....
  16. Did not know that kozak. Thanks for the info.
  17. Also, I do believe ghost Ryder is naturally aspirated meaning no blower.
  18. No. Use it like they did in the first few WF's. Make some sort of pyramid out of it.
  19. Rail container... See container.... Same thing.
  20. Actually, it becomes a winning fail. A fail of such epic proportions, it automatically becomes win.
  21. Highball with the devil.
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