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Everything posted by mdemko

  1. When I turn on my PC, after logging in, this message pops up. Any Idea what the problem or solution might be? Im running a dell XPS 8100 with an ATI Radeon HD 5700 series graphics card and duel monitors. OS WIN7
  2. Just saying... It's required for pretty much everything. It's where drivers meetings happen
  3. Pretty much. Some cool stuff goes down in there.
  4. This is what I'm talking about. What does that even mean!!!!
  5. No... You got the crappy ones wolo made.
  6. Does it even matter why? Rules are rules.
  7. If we get rid of the YouTube and facebook page, maybe the kiddie's will stop showing up. Or fill the place with hardcore porn and make the age limit 18 and require a credit card....
  8. Suspension is just a nice way to say ban. Now PERMABAN is a whole other story...
  9. Here's the deal bro. The world finals 13 track rockcrwlr has was made by him. He doesnt have to release anything he makes unless he wants to. Just because YouTube and Facebook are blowing up over the track doesn't mean you should come here and make 2 separate threads asking for the same thing. Those people who have his track are called beta testers. They are selected by the creator to test the track. they aren't being selfish, they are doing what they were told. Not to release it or give it out. And since the track is going to be used for a league, expect to download it in about 3 or more months. Also... Underage ban needs banning...
  10. no...the craddle is a dead give-a-way
  11. Time Flys is a racesource. I believe detour is the old Fired Up/Natural High chassis...which is not a racesource. The craddle is all wrong.
  12. Why would you get a warning for bumping an old project thread? Some of y'all need to use your heads a little more...
  13. Dude. That's not your first rude post regarding someone's work. Wtf did you feel it necessary to post something like that if you don't like it?
  14. Yeah dude. Your posts where quite annoying...
  15. Every show in houston since 1996 till 2008. San Antonio 2004, Texas Monster Shootout 2010 and WF5
  16. Looks great! I really love those big infield tracks. We need more of them.
  17. That shouldn't be to hard. Just delete the engine and all the other extra parts, edit the chassis to be lower vert, and use straight cylinders as axles.
  18. Depending on how the WF 13 date plays out with when I have spring break I may be going. And may or may not have a half finished Bailout with me...
  19. mdemko


    Me and Ryan were working on wf11 back when Draggers was just about to die. I still have all the models and Traxx files.
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