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Everything posted by Ethan

  1. Gotta have a bit of Biffy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTnkj1xSu4E
  2. Holy... Well that just looks amazing. Superb stuff Liq
  3. Updated van-dirt-pyramid-thing. Way smoother now, and less angle to it, plus I updated the textures. You can get some serious air off this little guy
  4. That isn't the logo as such, that was just a shot of the main stadium sign in Sketchup. This is the new, revamped logo: In other news, I decided to do a little horticulture for a tropical feel Due to backfaces they show up weird if you look at them from below. But that's another excuse to fly high
  5. New font for the main stadium name sign
  6. Oh damn, what I would give to show off Four X Force there!!! Ah well. Sounds like it's going to be a great event. I'll be on the stream watching it for sure
  7. Who are you? lol

  8. That's not looking bad for one of your first objects! Nice work One thing though... see that vertical edge just behind and below the bus, just in front of the ramp that crossthreads? I'd round that out if I were you, that could really screw you up, unless you know something I don't and a couple of cars are going in front of it
  9. While we're talking about scoreboards, did a couple texture updates to the SVS board
  10. Wow, Liq, just wow. That looks fantastic, and I love that tire texture
  11. Good night overall, really enjoyed myself and hope to compete in more SM events in future. What a mess was that first race with Monster Mutt, jeez... when I cut those donuts I didn't realise he was still racing, although I see it now looking back on the coverage. As for cutting him off, again, I didn't realise he was still completing his lap and I was just starting towards the tunnel to exit. Total roosterup on my part, sorry about that Anyway, had a blast and hope to compete here more in future
  12. The track is really, really awesome. One of Sim Monsters' best so far. Wish I was driving tonight If this event's going to be live streamed like Houston was, I'll definitely be watching.
  13. Newly rebuilt triple. Not a hundred percent complete, just needs a few texture tweaks.
  14. You big tease Sounds brilliant and I can't wait
  15. Excellent Coby. I love how the cars are all angled rather than straight to make a bumpy, crushed path. And Terminator looks amazing as well, great stuff
  16. Did a little updating to Four X Force in preparation for season two of RORMJ (if I'm invited, lol) Thanks to Stephen Hopkins, aka racinboy, for letting me use his wheel/tire textures. Crazy helped me out with a couple problems I had too. Thanks guys
  17. I figured I might as well post this over here too. Few little texture updates to Sunrise Valley Stadium I know the banners are a bit oddly spaced, but all will be fixed. Still got a lot to do.
  18. TRACK UPLOADED! http://www.mediafire.com/?gr6vcu6r1nn9n9p
  19. Wow, thanks a lot man! As you mention, I did indeed make a version (several actually!) for MTM2. I intended to take it online into huge leagues and make a name for myself, but I never really got around to it. So I really cannot tell you how excited I am for the 18th. It will be an extremely huge moment for me when I drive into the track for the first time to qualify, because this is realization of a dream I've had for years
  20. Looks like someone ran their fingers all over a mirror Stoked to debut my truck either way. I don't care much for the fact that it's going in the RORMJ truckpack, because then little kids like RORMJMAXD can get their sticky hands all over it, but it must be done if I am to compete with 4XF. I will be loveing livid if anyone tries to sign up in an event with it, though
  21. Cheers Liq. It isn't brushed aluminium, though, that's beaten up sheet metal (paint effect, still fiberglass of course)
  22. Ethan Dean will be there, bringing the Four X Force machine to its world debut http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWUF2oiWe2I
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