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Everything posted by Lookey2000

  1. Wait every Max-D body is Goldberg...
  2. You are exactly correct. I joined SM 5 months before V3 was released, So I got a bit of V2 in there too. Oh and guys, I know this thread is about V3 but I figured out a way to get V2, it's to use the WayBack Machine. Heres a link: http://web.archive.org/web/20110401191239/http://sim-monsters.com/forums/index.php?/files/go/328f7d36c1b832c43a5a9f0f90a26bce/sim-monsters-truck-pack (This will redirect you to the download)
  3. Yeah good point, V3 was just plain bad...
  4. I want V3 for testing purposes and I wanna go back to the days of trucks being unrealistic. Where would I be able to get it again? Thanks
  5. 3 inches? That's only 7 cm in Canada. Most storms we get are usually 40 cm, which is 15 inches.
  7. Would anybody be able to send me any up to date chassis components? I got a new computer and don't have them. Thanks
  8. I honestly think: 1: Max-D Kane 2: Max-D Elliot 3: Max-D Meents 4: Bigfoot 1 5: Bigfoot 2 6: Bigfoot 3 7: Bigfoot 4 8: Bigfoot 5 9: Bigfoot 6 10: Bigfoot 7 11: Bigfoot 8 12: Bigfoot 9 13: Bigfoot 10 14: Bigfoot 11 15: Bigfoot 12 16: Bigfoot 13 17: Bigfoot 14 18: Bigfoot 15 19: Bigfoot 16 20: Bigfoot 17 21: Bigfoot 18 22: Bigfoot 19 23: Grave Digger 19 24: Grave Digger 23 25: Grave Digger 24 26: Grave Digger 25 27: Grave Digger 26 28: Grave Digger 27 29: Grave Digger 28 30: Grave Digger 29 31: Grave Digger 30 32: Army Armstrong: BIGFOOT IS DOING IT IN THE AIR
  9. Corbin MacAulay Bad Habit 2013 (http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/928-bad-habit-2013/) Lookey2000SM
  10. I Think I'll make it. This new computer I got will FINALLY erase lag for good online. lol
  11. No, it's Qual thursday, race friday and freestyle saturday
  12. Doesn't really belong here, but I took this for tuh lulz
  13. Dennis Anderson's new chassis preview! Can't really see it that well but oh well.
  14. I think it means you need to install DirectX. That happened to me on my new computer i got for christmas, I just installed DirectX and it worked. Hope this helps.
  15. oh dear god no... i hope to god that purple doesn't mean purple jumps or tarp in the stands etc.
  16. wheres the double backflip version D:
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