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How to add a spec/shine map

Doomed User


I'm doing a chrome job and don't know how to add a chrome spec/shine map. It's probably the easiest thing to do and I'm just stupid, but I'm lost and there's no real directions on how to do it.

And I mean like adding it to the truck, not making it in a program.

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There is a code that you can put in the material file and rename to the spec paint, and it should show up. However most use managedmaterials, you create an empty section in the. truck file, and type in managedmaterials, you then copy the name of the material you want to have the spec, and paste it under the managedmaterials line in the .truck file. Now with a space you type mesh_standard, another space, the name of the regular texture, another space, and then the name of the spec texture. 

            diffuse vertexcolour
                texture exampleoftexture.png

^ This is what the . material file will look like.



SOLID/TEX/exampleoftexture.png/VertCol mesh_standard exampleoftexture.png thespecversionexampletexture.png

^ And that's what it should look like in the .truck file. 

Once you have the .truck file with the correct data, you can try running the game with that section of line still in the original material file, but if it doesn't work, you will need to delete those set of lines out of the material file, unless you want to take everything in the material file, and use it with managedmaterials. You don't have to have the material file to just have a normal texture either, you can texture normal meshes without a spec map, you would just leave off the name of the spec texture, since you wouldn't have one. 

It would look like this, sticking to the above example:


SOLID/TEX/exampleoftexture.png/VertCol mesh_standard exampleoftexture.png

^ And that would work just like a material file works.

Edited by Jon Cannon
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