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Blender dds error



So I'm making a custom El Paso track that was from the blend stadium file here in the track making section. And for some reason, when I exported the finished track, it claims it was missing a dds file as shown:


But it was in the zip file. What I originally did was I went into each individual image in that blend file and then saved them into a folder (And I repeated that process like 30 times for each individual image -.-). all png's/jpg's are working properly. However, it turned out that all of my dds files were f'd up when I saved them from blender. I can't even open them up to view the picture, and I can't even get it to open in paint.net or else this appears:


If someone might know how to fix this problem, then PLEASE let me know because I wanna test my track so badly (My track is in SYP 59 page 14 in case you're curious).

EDIT: The image still shows up fine in Blender, which is really weird.

EDIT (Again): Someone already told me to try to convert it to a png and that didn't work either

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