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(6/10/21) FBS-NEO Week 6: IMTRS WF 2

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Tonight FBS-NEO continues with Week 6! We will see such matches as Chris Bialek going up against Danny Mackey, Brandon Adam facing Jackson Meszaros, Brad Kerlin taking on Trevor Michalesko, and much more. For Week 6 we are heading to IMTRS World Finals 2! This track is absolutely massive, and more than makes up for it with absolutely huge and insane obstacles. These drivers will definitely have a lot on their plate when they drive onto this floor. As we approach the end of the season some drivers are already seeing their hopes diminish, while others are slowly starting to become more of a reality. And as the desperation increases as time decreases, these drivers are definitely will give everything they've got tonight. See you on the track! 


Match Card: (Times are in EST) 

9:00 PM - Adrian Cooper v. Alejandro N. 
9:20 PM - Brad Kerlin v. Trevor Michalesko 
9:40 PM - Brandon Adam v. Jackson Meszaros 
10:00 PM - Chris Bialek v. Danny Mackey 
10:20 PM - Ike Toussaint v. Tim Horn 
10:40 PM - Julian Deshazer v. Martin Hussey


Track Link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/33wiheukdroidif/IMTRS_World_Finals_2.zip/file 



This event will be live streamed in the Sim Monsters Discord voice chat. See you tonight!

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