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Happy Holidays


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From my family to yours. In my family my tradition is to always be with each other  Now that my mother has been remarried it is going to be one packed house Christmas night. May all of you be safe and have the family be safe. This is not to spark a religious battle but MERRY CHRISTMAS. So I'm interested in all of your traditions! If your Jewish, Atheist, and all those other religions share your traditions as well. I will start off with mine. 

      First we wake and eat breakfast me being out of the house i will wake my house and come over to the family house. Then we open up one present at a time usually we record it because of my little sisters who still believe in Santa and we want to see their expressions on video plus we send it to far away family members. Then we do what ever and screw around with the new stuff for like an hour. Then my favorite movie CHRISTMAS STORY we always watch this we have it on blu ray. Around fiveish the rest of the family comes and we eat lasagna it is the only time its cooked in my family so its special. Then the yankee swap limit this year is 20 $ so i got a wicked cool chair massager that you put in a chair and it heats and massages you. Girl friends idea not mine. Then after that im going to the Wardens house (word for girlfriend with my close buddies) and hang out with their family. Then to wrap up the day im going on a over night house ride up a mountain with my girlfriend and my best friends girl friend. So happy holidays too all. Now lets see some traditions!!!

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My dad works a job that requires him to work certain days which he simply cannot call off for. Hint: he uses guns and stuff. So we've never been able to establish any Christmas/Xmas traditions because he isn't always home for it. On Christmas Eve we take very long drives around the area and just enjoy the night, no music, seldom talking. It's very relaxing because around this time my mom scrambles to buy presents and all of that mess. Either we open presents on the Eve or on Christmas Day, but either way it's always a special moment,


Christmas always seems to be the fastest day of the year for me. I know it is physically shorter because it's Winter, but it just seems to fly by. I often find myself reminiscing about the year and start wrapping it up to begin the next. Christmas isn't one of my favorite holidays simply because of the emotions it brings out in me. I always find it sort of sad. :c

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