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So I decided to try using MTM2 (though I have no Idea how it runs) and I came across WF8. So to those wondering, WF8 DOES exist, it IS out there, but it can't be used seeing as (as far as I know) it isn't associated with Sim-Monsters.com, but if anyone would like to teach me how to use blender (NOT SKETCH-UP, I don't like sketch up, the tracks don't turn out good), I will make WF8, along with tracks from previous years, because I know we all want them. My band isn't busy right now, so I have plenty of time to do them, just let me know.

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WF8 for MTM2 has been out for a while. Klayton had it in the works along with a few other world finals that he was gonna release in a WF track pack but i dont think he ever finished it.

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