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Wawa coliseum fun run 3-14-14

Trenton Ray

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This event will contain the following:

1.Monster truck racing

2.Monster truck timed course

3.Tough truck timed course

4.Tough truck freestyle

Rules: during monster truck racing and TC if you hit the wall HARD you will be done so be careful

If you hit the walls in tough truck TC you will be able to straighten the truck back up

During tough truck freestyle each person will be given 90 seconds (no bonus) and can br scored up to 30 points

If you roll even if it goes back on all fours you will be done

Sign ups

Name: Trenton Ray

Aim/Skype: owned1.5631@google.com,trenton.ray3

Monster truck: barbarian (link im not v4)

Tough truck: yota (link to the truck)

Aim chat will go up AROUND: 6:30 CT and will close after the event is over

Skype call will be open to who ever wants to be in it


Trenton Ray: Monster truck: barbarian, Tough truck: yota (http://www.rigsofrods.com/repository/download/1643)

Hope to see ya guys join :)

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