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It's been a while.


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How's it been going guys?

I used to build tracks and stuff wayy wayyyyy back in the beginning of this whole thing, I still see my tracks/objects pop up in vids every now and then which is pretty cool IMO, I didn't think my contributions where up to par so I decided to leave it for awhile and focus on other games.  I'm not sure how many OG's are still here. But I hope to see some familiar people :D

I'm really impressed with how the site has grown since I last visited (been about 3 years I think, I don't know) the content is insane!!!

Well Anyway, Suggestions on Leagues that are good for somebody that's a bit rusty but not a noobie?  Thanks.


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Always nice to see an familiar old name wander back, things have changed pretty drastically in just the past year alone. Hopefully enough for you to stick around a bit more!

As for leagues, SSRS is basically the soul predecessor of the Sim Monster's league that used to run. 

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Always nice to see an familiar old name wander back, things have changed pretty drastically in just the past year alone. Hopefully enough for you to stick around a bit more!

As for leagues, SSRS is basically the soul predecessor of the Sim Monster's league that used to run. 

I think I was a little reluctant to make the switch to blender and fed up with the silly drama. poo happens man.

I miss KOTH, That was oodles of fun

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