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Indy World Finals


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Since everybody is complaining about the trucks selected this year (me as well) and everybody says there should be more independents, I got to the idea of an all Independent World Finals line-up. I know it is completely impossible, but who here would agree that a field of trucks like this would make an amazing world finals show?




3)Bounty Hunter

4)Iron Outlaw



7)Overkill Evo

8)Double Trouble




12)Big Kahuna


14)Stone Crusher

15)Ice Cream Man

16)Wrecking Crew

17)Time Flys

18)Heavy Hitter

19)Trouble Maker

20)Hurricane Force


*We will go with lucky #21 for the amount of trucks

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I would say no. I was just thinking of Monster Jam running Indies who would put on a great show if it was for the Monster Jam world finals. Same big obstacles, same meaning behind the world finals (how much it means to the drivers), just indies only

Well I mean the only trucks I can think of that hasn't ran Monster Jam I'd like to see at an Indy WF is Over Bored (crossing my fingers he runs with them come next season)

So with that in mind, I'll try and do 24.


1: Over Bored- Jamey Garner

2: Avenger- Jim Koehler

3: Stone Crusher- Steve Sims

4: Hooked- Steven Sims

5: Barbarian- Devin Jones

6: Iron Outlaw- Trent Montgomery

7: Bounty Hunter- Jimmy Creten

8: Double Trouble- Tyler Groth

9: Heavy Hitter- Derick Anson

10: River Rat- Steve Snellen

12: Xtermigator- JR McNeal

13: Strait Jacket- Kevin King

14: Stinger- Zane Rettew

15: Hurricane Force- Steven Thompson

16: Saigon Shaker- Ryan Disharoon

17: Outlaw- Michael Harper

18: Gunslinger- Scott Hartsock

19: Overkill Evolution- Mikey Vaters

20: Titan- Donald Epidendio

21: Thunder 4X4- Jim Bendzick

22: Big Kahuna- Shane England

23: Crushstation- Greg Wichenbach

24: Time Flys- Kelvin Ramer

25: Menace- Darren Migues

26: The Patriot- Dan Radoni

27: Obsessed- Eric Swanson

28: Raminator- Mark Hall

29: Mega Bite- Brad Allen

30: Rammunition- Mat Dishman

31: Scarlet Bandit- Dawn Creten

And number 32 isss.... Detour! 

Lol jk never in a million years

32: Quad Chaos- Aaron Cain (I know, I said only Over Bored but I couldn't think of anyone else and honestly I feel like he'd do well there)

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I forgot about Outlaw, Overbored, and stinger!

Like I said Garner needs to run with them some first, but keep this in mind: He won a championship against the likes of Avenger, Barbarian, and Bounty Hunter in his really first full season. If that doesn't prove how much talent he already has, then I dunno what will.

Stinger I'm a bit biased towards, but it's more of a regional thing lol (I've seen Zane four times in the last two years alone)

As for Outlaw.... Somebody please petition to at least get him in the YGS, but I remember the days Harper drove Carolina Crusher (hell I saw him at my first ever monster truck show and he was my favorite there) so seeing him go off the rails in Monster Jam... yeah it only fits.

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I'll go 24 trucks.

1) Avenger (Jim Koehler)

2) Titan (Donald Epidendio)

3) Stone Crusher (Steve Sims)

4) Bounty Hunter (Jimmy Creten)

5) Crushtation (Greg Winchenbach)

6) Stinger (Zane Rettew)

7) Xtermigator (JR McNeal)

8) Overkill Evolution (Mike Vaters Jr.)

9) Ramintor (Mark Hall)

10) Straight Jacket (Kevin King)

11) Barbarian (Devin Jones)

12) Patriot (Dan Rodoni)

13) Hooked (Steven Sims)

14) Iron Outlaw (Trent Montgomery)

15) Iron Warrior (Matt Cody)

16) Hurricane Force (Steven Thompson)

17) Heavy Hitter (Derick Anson)

18) Obsessed (Eric Swanson)

19) Gunslinger (Scott Harsock)

20) Nitro Menace (Darren Migues)

21) Saigon Shaker (Ryan Disharoon)

22) Mega Bite (Brad Allen)

23) Time Flys (Kelvin Ramer)

24) Annnnnnddd the last spot goes to.......


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