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RORSRPS All Star Challenge 6 - El Paso, Texas 1.0.0

   (2 reviews)

5 Screenshots

About This File

RORSRPS and the All Star Challenge tour bring you another track! This time, it's El Paso, Texas with an over-under style layout!

I'm pretty sure this stadium model is over-sized, but I just used it as it is here in the scrapyard 🤷‍♂️ I do like this track, and it's really good for BIG AIR!!

A couple disclaimers: The Superstar Challenge style jumps on the sides will send you to space, but they can also send you there upside down. Sweg's Max-D 8&9 trucks can launch pretty clean on it though. Also, the 'launch ramp' right at the entrance wasn't *intended* to be a launch ramp, just something extra...so hitting that at full speed can spit you out into the ramp face of the cross-over jump which could end your run after an awkward bounce.

Thats it. Big air and a ton of fun is to be had here!


If you're interested to see how the show went, and who came out on top, I'll leave these here! Hope you enjoy the track!




What's New in Version 1.0.0


Fixed Thumbnails?

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Thumbnails aren't working for me, but still a great track! 👍

Edit: Thumbnails work for me now.... 6 Stars!

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