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Everything posted by crazyman444

  1. No problem. My parents have been going since the 80's and I have been going I think since like 6 years old. So we have pictures from the 90's as well.
  2. Just to add on. Here are some pictures that my father took at Hagerstown Speedway back in the day. Before I was born, but these sparked my interest when i was shown them around 5 years of age.
  3. No Great Bite truck was not real, it was just a die cast truck, the Great Bite version being me favorite and fastest on the downhill slim arena (note: i never used the slim on the trucks just raced them. And just to add to this, i got searching through some old ROR stuff and came across these. My first functional truck. And if you know of the cantilever truck this was version 2 of it. 2 more versions followed after this one.
  4. Well a little challenge I decided to put on my self, for anybody that has collected Hot Wheels monsters you will recognize this body. Still a work in progress. For other that don't know this is the Great Bite/Shark Wreak body style.
  5. Truck: Gunslinger AIM: crazymanmur444 email: gamefreak4444@yahoo.com
  6. Race is Over already It happen last night. The name of the topic has the date.
  7. I have been tweaking somethings with that and the biggest reason that tires dont fall of is because some beams just wont break and let go even though they are weak. I have taken one of my beam trucks and made it where a tire comes off but the downside is the tire still drives while off the truck. Kinda funny.
  8. I am just curious on the vert count since most thing that come from sketch up have a lot of verts.
  9. Before showtime in Tough Trucks. Random Picture my father/mechanic took before I was told to line up.
  10. Seeing as there is a bunch of buccaneers stuff there, I believe that is Raymond James Stadium
  11. Alright, I have been quite for a little bit. So here are somethings that I have been working on. Thanks to liquid for teaching some new tricks that helped a great deal. Introducing Hagerstown Speedway. Has the standard straight line drag and will be a mix from different years for freestyle. Plus my first successful cars that you dont get stuck on. New lower vert ramps. Currently needs some more freestyle obstacles added. Also the obstacles in this track are not meant to be slammed into full throttle. You drive like it is real, slow down and once close burp the throttle. All though you can hit the front stretch car set pretty fast but you wont get to much air. A Tough Truck.
  12. Sorry I haven't been around more to answer, but yes that is the plan, I would like to get as close to its real life ability as possible.
  13. sundays work for me as for tracks i think a mix of real life tracks and user track that fit in the realm of real.
  14. Well here is a couple projects that I have been doing. This node and beam truck matches RKM's Max-d chassis giving it some pretty neat handling Digger 7, for Josh. And on going project and the closest one to getting finished A pair of Leaf Spring trucks King Sling Mud truck, after seeing the videos I just had to, building a chassis for it. And last but not least Prototype cantilevered monster truck, something that just came outta my head.
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