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Sergeant Politeness

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Everything posted by Sergeant Politeness

  1. Honestly, mainstream rap went down the drain after Tupac and Biggie died.
  2. Autotune is like breakdowns or dubstep, a musical trend I don't get the appeal of and wish would die off already.
  3. I do agree that animal cruelty of any kind is one of the most disgusting and despicable acts a person can commit, but I think they do it because they feel a sense of power over the animal, that they're a higher figure when in reality they're worth less than a diseased roach. That and banning pit bulls are not going to solve anything, it's just another example of people (certain pit bull owners in this case) not wanting to suffer the consequences for their actions. Any dog can be vicious, and any dog can be your best friend. It all depends on how you treat it.
  4. What's the old adage, do as I say not as I do? Yeah, you personify that well.
  5. Never doubt the stupidity of prepubescent children on YouTube Anyhow, my pick:
  6. That's fine, it's more of an idea I've wanted Monster Jam to use in the World Finals for years now but if you can do it in RoR that would be awesome!
  7. A double bus jump with a pool in the middle
  8. I think he only ran one show and that was shortly prior to the Tacoma incident, which would explain the driveshaft rules.
  9. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Bill Payne not allowed to compete in Monster Jam?
  10. Blame tools like Jack Thompson for shoving the whole "video games are the reason this happened blah blah blah" view down everyone's throat
  11. The band in my library that have the most "powerful" lyrics IMO is Billy Talent Surrender: Even though I know what I'm looking for, She's got a brick wall behind her door. I'd travel time and confess to her, But I'm afraid she'd shoot the messenger. I think I found a flower in a field of weeds, I think I found a flower in a field of weeds. Searching until my hands bleed, This flower don't belong to me. This is How it Goes: Take a look at what we've become Nothing more than silhouettes of A pretty family on a postcard Picture perfect, I don't want it This Suffering: Why don't we end this lie I can't pretend this time I need a friend to find my broken mind Before it falls to pieces Burn The Evidence: Hit the brakes, hit the glass, Time to shake the hands of fate The mistakes of the past, Flashed before his face There is a man, intensive care When he awakes he will declare, "I've been dead for 20 years! I won't let 20 more go by..." Boy who always did what he was told, Bought the only dream that he was sold Rusted From the Rain: Dissect me 'til my blood runs down into the drain My bitter heart is pumping oil into my veins I'm nothing but a tin man, don't feel any pain I don't feel any pain, I don't feel any pain, I'm rusted from the rain Go on... crush me like a flower, rusted from the rain Come on... strip me of my powers, beat me with your chains And if... I'm the King of cowards, you're the Queen of pain I'm rusted from the rain, I'm rusted from the rain There's a good bit more in their library, but these are the ones I consider the most "powerful"
  12. Fiesta looks a little choppy (ask Matt Demko for some good shots, he should have a few) but Hooked and Grammaw Digger are looking sweet! I sincerely hope that scheme runs full time next year.
  13. Not necessarily. See, if there are multiple witnesses and enough evidence stacked up against you before the trial date, then it's justified IMO. "On the spot" may not have been the best choice of words, but the idea is to avoid someone like this living off the tax payers for 20 or more years. Trust me I don't want this turning into witch trials
  14. True, look at Chris Bergeron in 2011 who got knocked out because the container was set with no give, lucky that was the only case. Then this year so many runs were cut short due to El Toro Loco being stuck in the container (I seriously believe if they didn't wreck early, Neil or Ryan would've won it and not Cam) I think that system would be perfect if you mixed it with half as locked in, and half in open qualifying for Vegas. At the end of the day, even if Monster Jam still cared about a legit points system, they still know money must be made so if Pablo Huffaker gets the Digger ride in Vegas over Dennis or Neil gets in Max D over Tom, I guarantee that ticket sales for the World Finals will drop because for all the times they associate trucks more than drivers, people still know Meents and Anderson and would rather pay to go see them over Huffaker or Elliot. I'm not saying denying them spots in the World Finals (Good move for bringing back Captain's Curse for Pablo and please bring back Bulldozer for Elliot) True, perhaps its because I'm not active in many other forums but as of recent, it's just gotten ridiculous on there, but I digress. What I was referring to was the open city racing you get in games like Need for Speed or GRID, that sells. Perhaps they could go down the DiRT route and integrate more racing ala Mickey Thompson style in the games, because personally I loved the idea of racing in and out of the stadiums in Path of Destruction, just get rid of the giant bowling pins and stuff like that and then go from there.
  15. My personal take: 1st point: No, get Schroeder out of there, and let him focus on doing a decent performance on track once in a while. I'd much rather see a crew guy like your Dustin Brown on there that way they don't have to do that horrible "on board commentary" ruse they did in Phoenix last year. 2nd point: Not quite sure what you mean by "rolling backwards". You mean trucks like Backwards Bob or how backflips are the selling point of every show? If you mean the latter, then I'd rather point the finger at Larry Quick and not FELD. I personally hate seeing every truck go out and do a backflip in every run, it just gets ridiculous quickly. 3rd point: Yeah drivers don't get the personal connection with the fans even though Facebook is an excellent resource for this, and I don't mean Dennis Anderson's page, Tom Meents's page, or the Grinder drivers' pages in which they sound like robots instead of actual human beings. 4th point: Sort of like TMB's system? See, here's my issue with a points system like what TheMonsterBlog has set up, you would see guys like Gary Porter who haven't ran a stadium show since 2010 get a place in Vegas over guys like Cam McQueen, Jon Zimmer, and Darren Migues. Do I believe drivers like Zimmer, Epidendio, and Benns get screwed over for guys like Deegan, Jolly, and Madusa is wrong? Yes. 5th point: I honestly believe that if Monster Jam adjusted to where we believe they should be, people on forums like Mayhem will still nice lady and complain to no end. Some people won't be satisfied until trucks are taken back to the 80s. Final point: Yeah, it really is impossible to do because monster trucks are confined to these tracks that are short, less than a minute long races while other popular racing games include massive open environment races, that just doesn't fit with monster trucks.
  16. What's sad is that this man, although more than likely will get the death penalty (it's legal in Colorado) will spend years in jail living off the tax payers money, including potentially money from the victims' families. No, in cases like this, forget a waiting sentence, forget a trial, execute him on the spot.
  17. Just saw the Friday show was cancelled due to weather
  18. That's when it was owned by Live Nation, so you can tell immediately after FELD bought it, it was heading to the circus. Let's just thank god the Marvel Monstergeddon show didn't happen this past weekend
  19. IDK, from the way he sounded it looks like he could be back to working at it, but that's just my assumption Anyhow, Coconut, dude you are on a roll with these tracks!
  20. Don't they have that now? I know it was used in Vegas and from what I've heard it was used in Atlanta (although I was there and I don't recall it being used, but my memory is awful)
  21. Because Monster Jam says so, and Monster Jam has never given inaccurate information! Right?....... Anyhow @ 39 seconds in:
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