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Hot Shoe

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Posts posted by Hot Shoe

  1. Sounds to me like some of the faces/meshes are getting flipped when you join them. Happens to me from time to time. After joining the meshes, go into edit mode and select the vertices corresponding with the meshes that are disappearing. Press W on your keyboard and select flip normals.

  2. They appear if the face(s) have been flipped or reversed. You'll notice them if you're in textured/solid mode and see a gap in the faces that shouldn't be there. Easy fix is selecting the vertices associated with the flipped face, and either recalculate inside/outside or flip normals.

    Edit mode/W/Flip normals.

  3. Speaking of being dirt deep...are you ready to get dirt deep into San Marco Arena 1st Stop (2005)?




    The dirt ramp behind the racing cars give off awesome sky wheelies:


    The back sides of the ramps on the Off road course will get you wonderful Allen Pezo style sky wheelies as well:


    For those who wish to mess around on it, there is an offroad truck version:



    Freestyle to come...

    • Upvote 13
  4. No offense to mark, but i think Mackey's track may have just beat his above^

    This isn't a competition, Roli. No one here is in a competition with each other, and no one is trying to beat anyone around here. BOTH tracks look terrific!

    It's not. I was just saying, his looks very nice.

    Then say it looks nice and be done with it. Think before you post.

  5. I love how Monster Jam goes around saying how that truck is a legend. Like it's a Digger, Equalizer, King Krunch or what have you. Not looking to start a war here. To me it's just a five ton advertisement good for being a rolling billboard for Ford trucks, and an opportunity for a lucky driver to get a seat in a truck.

    I liked the truck. I liked it when Weenk and Hanrooster drove it, but it certainly isn't a legend imho.

    • Upvote 1
  6. My favorite guitarist Joe Satriani tears it up:


    So you've seen Satch play his double neck guitar and think "I've seen that before" right? Well, have you ever seen an ambidextrous guitarist play two guitars at the same time? Play two different melodies at the same time? Turn the guitars upside down and lift them over his head while playing? All while mixing in his own original songs, along some other brilliant riffs and licks into the medley? Didn't think so...

  7. File Name: New Liberty Stadium 3

    File Submitter: Hot Shoe

    File Submitted: 11 Nov 2012

    File Category: Tracks

    New Liberty Stadium 3 by Hot Shoe

    Thank you for downloading New Liberty Stadium 3! Before you hit the track, please allow me to give you a (hopefully) brief history on this track:

    This track was part of a series of tracks made in MTM2 by Jason Lloyd, who was better known as “Mr. Destruction”. Jason and I helped each other out from time to time on our projects. I made a piece of artwork and textured a ramp for one of his tracks. He made me some artwork/logos for my projects. He also designed the Demolition Track Creations logo you see along with being my cohort in DTC.

    At one time I sent him a VHS of monster truck races that took place in his area that he missed seeing.

    During creation of NLS3, he approached me saying that this track was being neglected by other projects and things he had going on. Instead of dropping the track, and subsequently dropping the series, he gave me this track (which was mostly completed at the time) and the full rights to do what I wanted with the name and series from that point in time. Giving me rights to NLS was also his way of thanking and repaying me for the VHS I sent him.

    I then finished the track for Jason whilst adding my own unique touches to the track (such as placing the name of the stadium on the yellow divider in center track). This quickly became one of my best, popular, and favorite piece in MTM2.

    Now, this track has been reborn in RoR. Apart from minor differences like logos on the signs, replacing turning poles (which were one the original NLS3) with turning cars, and moving around a few obstacles for better flow and spacing of the freestyle track, this is a direct copy of its MTM2 counterpart.

    Additional notes: All the signs and poles on the track have been set with no-collide properties. The signs are for decoration. The poles are not necessarily meant for penalties. They are in place as a guide of where the racing course and direction is.
    For fun, the Truck Shop is in place for you to swap between your favorite trucks anytime you like.

    Stadium built by me.
    Dirt textures: Jason Lloyd/me.
    Ramp textures: Me.
    Crowd texture: Me.
    Floor/wall textures: Me.
    Press box roof texture: Me.
    Signs, poles, Advanced Auto Parts sign, checkered flag finish board (models and textures): Me.
    Yellow lane divider: Me.
    Tarp/Pressbox texture: Casey Graves.
    Cars, buses, vans (models and textures): Casey Graves, Liquid Fire, Mark Colineri, Klayton Halog (some edited by me).
    Flatbed trailer (model and texture): Klayton Halog.
    Connex trailer (model and texture): Me.
    Box van (model and texture): ARF (edited by me).
    NGK Spark Plugs logo: Liquid Fire.

    Thanks: Special thanks go out to my beta testers:
    Tom P.
    Johan Cavallini.

    Click here to download this file

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