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Posts posted by DDT

  1. Glad to hear the bodies were not just scrapped...now hopefully they are not forgotten....and I believe the War Wizard body is the same one we had on V2 which was before the release of POD so it has to be from Urban Assualt

  2. Great track Just 3 little suggestions to make it better.

    1. Fix the Spawn (Have not tried racing because i read it doesnt work right) but you should move the spawn from the inside of the barriers to the open pit like area.

    2. Lower the track just a little bit (closer to the base terrain) so when you spawn or use Backspace/I to respawn you dont have to mousedrag the truck up from from half way under the terrain.

    3. Fix Racing (read track is sideways)

    Besides those its a good track so far

  3.  Ok so i was messing with the High Quality Reflective Effects and HDR settings in the Config and while goofing around with them for a few minutes Im curious who uses either or both settings? With HDR on i like the reflection it gives off the trucks but dont like how it gives some tracks a really bright reflective that makes them look like they glow. So again who uses those settings because im not sure if i want to keep HDR on or not.

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