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Posts posted by DDT

  1. I don't see a resemblance, Speed Energy did share the image on Facebook earlier so perhaps that's a hint?

    Well the truck in the pic is identical to 18 and based on what i have seen the Speed nergy Bigfoot looks identical to 28 minus the paint so its got to be one of those 2 trucks attempting it but if speed energy posted the pic then it might be a hint :blink:

  2. 1) Create computer destroying virus

    2) Name it SimmonstersV5beta

    3) Wait for noob hacker wannabes

    4) ????

    5) PROFIT!!!!

    I completely agree....i think it would be funny as H@ll to listen to all the little hackers cry there computers dont work anymore.

  3. Signups are not opened yet and wont be untill V4 is released(Dont ask when but might be a little while) then a thread will be opened by a mod where you post the truck you want to drive, Your AIM, and your actual name

  4. I think everyone is making TO big of a deal out of this. Yeah its not a good thing it got out but based on what i was told its a half a@@ed put together pack as it stands now and is no where near complete and wont be for a little while. With everyone messaging who ever has the pack your just giving that guy attention which is what he probably wants and making him think its fine that he has the pack if he does. And if it is TeamMeents12 like Nick said and i had my suspisions then he has been doing crap like this ever since he came on the ROR scene i think around 2 years ago. I think we should just stop taking everything in our own hands and let the Mods deal with it how they want because i think everyones just making the situation a little worse.

    • Upvote 6
  5. Incase it hasn't been said, the guy who made the video is simon holcomb, i was tlaking to him on aim and he said acdcfan gave it to him, he kept trying to send it to me but I said no

    Did he try sending you just SUD or the entire pack? I know Josh goes under ACDCFan on youtube but i know he doesnt go by that on AIM and i have talked to ACDCFan before....ill have to talk to him.
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