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Posts posted by DDT

  1. Thanks for the offer jersey but its no longer need I started a new game and threw all my good cars from my save onto the auction house so i can just get them back when. The auction ends because i put them up for 100million and one actually sold so i got plenty of money now

  2. hey stephen how good are those shocks you got on Blue Thunder i saw those were available for my Stampede and was wondering if they are worth it once my shocks break

  3. Well recently my Forza 4 savegame became a little corrupt not enough to stop the game from working but enough where it severly messed with some of my saved data enough to drive me a little bit crazy and so im restarting. I was wondering if anyone here would be kind enough to help me out by putting some cheap car no one cares about up on the auction house with a start and buyout price os 2 million dollars so i can buy the car then when i restart my savegame i can put a car up on the auction house for 1.5 million dollars for you to buy so i can get my money back and you can keep half a million dollars as a thanks for helping me out. If you would be so kind send me a freind request on xbox (GT is BiasLeaf122) with a message with your username on here and let me know your willing to help so i know who you are...would love to try to get this done within the next 2-3 hours but if no one can help tonight im willing to wait till tomorrow so save my money. Thanks in advance

  4. Doubt if anyone went to this, but doesn't hurt to ask. Anyone have some good full pics (Both racing and fs) of the Phoenix track this year?

    i did go and i may have some shots of the track ill pull out my camera and check but i know i got plenty of Freestyle videos

  5. how are those MJ stampede's?

    pretty good actually...the price is good for the truck (about 225) and they are pretty durable. I have had mine for a few months and i run them hard and the only thing needed replaced was the spur gear, caster blocks when a idiot smashed into me....oh and the motor needed taken apart and put back together because i shook a gear loose on a hard landing on the read end. These trucks have plenty of power straight out of the box that they really dont need to be 4 wheel drive. Straight out of the box a full throttle take off will throw you into a great wheelie that will throw you over onto your side if your not careful with the throttle. If you plan on taking them out onto the dirt they will do just fine out of the box. If you break anything parts are cheap unless of course they are mechanical but what mechanical part from any brand is cheap. Since its a normal stampede you are not stuck with just the monster jam bodies/parts. The only thing i find i dont like about this truck is how i your jumping something like a curb that has a weird measurement angle the truck likes to noise dive ending in a end over end roll which the truck can withstand just fine. I could go on but to some it all up these trucks are great trucks for the price but dont expect them to be like the Clod busters Josh owns but these trucks dont deserve the negative comments they get because everyone expects them to be a hard core racing/freestyle truck that can withstand 35 foot drop from a jump it seems these clob busters can that cost almost if not then 4 times as much

  6. Nothing custom just finished hooking up my Digger lights...i had to buy a normal light set with white head lights red brake so i used the brake lights as the red headlights and the white as a under body light to shine on my sponsor plates...looks really cool in the dark



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