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Everything posted by Goldberg6734

  1. I went through the history of my profile.

    the cringe is real

  2. Yeah from my view especially it looked really odd seeing so many Seats just empty. Two families around me left right when Racing ended since they had their kids with them. We got our tickets about 5 hours before the actual event and they still had lots of available seats in the club levels and beyond. I guess its due to the March event being more available to people rather than right after Christmas.
  3. I don't think Tom got a point at all. Its most likely he got the point from that if he did indeed get a point tonight.
  4. There wasn't any Wheelies tonight.. But there was both Donuts and a new thing called Mega Trucks which Milk Man won. Honestly it was a okay show. Seeing a backflip in person for the first time was amazing but some stuff felt like a let down. Dragon/Scooby came out to do a freestyle comp with Alien Invasion/Grave Digger. Digger/Alien won with CVH being in the other Digger and Chad Tingler being in Alien Invasion. I'm guessing this was to promote the last time at the GA Dome (second event) I don't think King Krunch went at all during the event.. Also a lot of people boo'd the scoring for Monster Mutt since he did that backflip a long with the freestyle. They also had to show a Fan Judging video. Pretty sure this is new overall. (Judge Fairly was #1) Overall, event was better than Last year. 7.5/10.
  5. Track looks a bit smaller than what last year had. Hopefully the ramps won't be a pain for the event overall.. But I know it'll be a great show as always. lets just hope somebody actually lands a backflip..
  6. Looks like the East side of the MMJ tour will be called Monster Jam featuring Amsoil series. http://imgur.com/tW51HdD
  7. Looks like Charlie Pauken and others are helping to restore Excaliber #2. It's nice to see another old Truck being put back together these days.
  8. In my own opinion, Gas Monkey looks the best so far out of every thing that's been released to the media. It's a very nice looking ride and BJ should suit well in it. Alien Invasion on the other hand, looks like a better Iron Man. I like 'em.
  9. So the Soldier Fortune Black Ops driver is now known. It'll be Tony Ochs from Pennsylvania. http://www.monsterjam.com/News/2015/11/27/1
  10. Already got it Pre-Ordered on Xbox One. The Multiplayer Beta was really fun and addicting imo. From playing Battlefront 2, I can see why people are disappointed about this game since there's no Space Battles, and Campaign. But it's a step forward into a new generation for people who like this stuff and for new people wanting to get involved in it. (butwestillgotdogfightingsothatsagoodthing)
  11. I overall like the new whole concept for this year. Having two MMJ shows on both East and West sides of the Nation is a pretty nice idea considering it was all over last year. Even all the new trucks like Alien, SF: Black Ops, (even though that'll probably either be just a slap on the nameplate or a new design overall) and all the new drivers that are included this year. Also, I'm guessing from the video that the whole, "New Grave Diggers" and "New Max-Ds" are either just replacements for the trucks, (such as the whole Colton/Morgan thing that might be happening) or new additions. Who knows though.. But I'm pretty hyped about what's in store for next year.
  12. The one year I miss Atlanta, they bring back Junkyard Dog and put Overkill Evolution into the lineup.
  13. Good luck man! It'll be fun. dont flip the darn thing
  14. Honestly if they tried to do a Sonic one, they'd just name it, HEDGEHOG and make it regular. Because Dragon and Zombie were that way I believe but they just gave them the regular names like Zombie and Dragon Or I can be 100% wrong and stupid.
  15. I've got -Maybe Atlanta if I win the contest but I doubt it -Las Vegas -Dixie Speedway 2016 This will be my first year actually going to a Monster Truck event outside of Georgia. Feels good.
  16. Nice little edition to add to the "Hunter" part. Now all they have to do is put something Zombie Related on it.. mightaswelljustcallitramhunter
  17. So if anyone wanted to watch any Dixie Stuff, I have most of Friday uploaded minus the Freestyle which I'll get to today. (pretty mad I didnt record Red Solo Truck's FS) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC87sxAfJoGWtPvuQbUmIaKA But here's Race 2 of Qualifying to start anyone out.
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