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Everything posted by Goldberg6734

  1. weewoo weewoo weewoo JERSEY STYLE AND PROBABLY A BACKFLIP!
  2. Literally the only known footage/photo from the Atlanta track. http://scontent-b.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xaf1/t50.2886-16/10926534_762945940466922_1604598168_n.mp4
  3. It's a quote from the Rookie from the Masters of Metal game.
  4. It actually might not be Jersey Style, but who knows. (monsterjamshots2015 on instagram)
  5. Seems Miami looks to have a Jersey Style maybe? Friend said an official told him it was Jersey. Has a Double and a Triple on the sides.. The middle looks to be like Jersey. Here's the pic:
  6. So apparently there's a live cam of Sun Life Stadium. It shows the track building and whatsoever. http://web.live.weatherbug.com/LiveCameras/1/LiveCameras.aspx?no_cookie_zip=33155&zcode=Z5983&camera_zip=33155&camera_id=PROPL
  7. Decided to post this here. It's today's Trenton, NJ videos, this guy uploaded a few. Here's his channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCez7v4a1j4TPbm5dx-6mgyg and here's another guy who did last night's: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeFn-XMOUCaeV1S-cb-BWtw A Grave Digger Freestyle And Crusher's Obstacle Course
  8. I run for Runners http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1686-runners/
  9. Where's Dennis at? He's always in Atlanta.. Nevermind. He's in San Antonio.
  10. Looks like a new Bounty Hunter? And the Canada Iron Outlaw we saw before are at Dixie.
  11. Ah. Didn't realize it was that Survivor. Wonder what they're gonna do with it for the 2015 season.
  12. I did hear though that apparently 2Xtreme bought a new truck.. It had Survivor on it. Not sure though.
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