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Stephen Hopkins

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Everything posted by Stephen Hopkins

  1. Will we be able to run both or will we have to pick one to run?
  2. Will the two series be run on the same day, or will one run one week and the other the next?
  3. chromolusion, it was just gold not chrome in any way, you make it chrome it would make it look terrible. Darking the current color who be a better idea.
  4. The real truck used a black and white one, like the decal sheet i gave him.
  5. deora beat me to it lol, but glad to see im not the only one with a team meents sticker sheet lying around lol
  6. Cloned, well almost just some minor things left
  7. Hey deora if you need any team meents decals i have the parma ones from the team meents body, anyway lot of work to do here
  8. SMR tide ride all star car, did a MUCH MUCH MUCH bette rjob making this tide base then the others, learned a lil trick lol
  9. Updated my SMR tide ride New dupont SMR ride, was a hot wheels base from RAH
  10. Fixed the base SMR car Day Night
  11. Made the base, got some work to do on it though
  12. Do you need any specific pics of backdraft, have a lot since you requested them lol, same goes for everyone else, if you need some pics of a certain truck ill see what i can get you.
  13. Custom season, is this just custom tracks and schedules or is this for custom trucks as well?
  14. "severely modifying their truck's physics to gain a competitive advantage" As stated it sounds like you could do mild edits posted like that, thats why i asked, and to make you all happy the pei version of energizer is a direct copy of bad news, which was intended to be my online race version. Been aware of the rules just wanted to clarify what casey said, I have no problem with running a stock setup at all.
  15. Feel I need to ask this, "severely modifying their truck's physics to gain a competitive advantage", what is considered severe? Making the truck faster or just changing the rebound on the shocks? Casey I'll gladly send you ALL of my rockstar engerzier .truck files for you or anyone else to test, look at and or approve or disprove. Heck make the setup public information. I just want some ground on whats severe?
  16. Every game looks good in trailer form, but once you get it home you'll be like this is the most pointless 60 bucks i ever spent, just like all the ea games. Theres a TONAGE more leagues for nr2003. Trust us your money is way better spent in nr2003.
  17. And if you dont have a wheel or want to pay a monthly bill nr2003 is were its at, for 30 more bucks you could get nr2003. Realstic huh? When have you ever seen a hood look like this from bumping someone? And flipping at dover the way they did biffle IMO is highly unrealstic, save your 60 bucks and put it towards nr2003.
  18. Beautiful 44, also tried putting some of the logo on the second half of the side for the first time, worked out good here. the bad(note to self never ever ever try to make a Kellogg logo again, and just because it looked easy dosent mean it is easy to make) ah and I took your advice jordo, here this is
  19. explains why most the parts are based off a chevy, or do you buy that feld crap that blue thunder team shop is in Detroit lol. anyway, Made this for fun(few weeks ago after i saw dannys chrome blue thunder), possibly going to be using a similar idea for new body on my blue thunder clodbuster but just a tad different.
  20. Yeah I just put them on there to see size wise how the number is going to have to be, and thanks for the 44.
  21. The 5 is just on there for kicks, still trying to find a 44.
  22. Lots of work to do here, id be surprised if some of you even knew what this gmc grill is from.
  23. Well casey and you guys if it is indeed going to be there if you need a particular shot I can get it, but I doubt you do with help from ryan lol. It inst finished, they didnt include the trucks that are going to be on display for whatever reason lol
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