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Everything posted by Crazyboy335

  1. Because the skeleton seems to make you faster and you can see better, and I like to be close to the jumps.
  2. Three big one's arent exciting? A car upside down? A .01 finish?
  3. Neat idea, think Morgan Kane will be in there.
  4. Good job, thundro. Downloading right now.
  5. Crazyboy335


    Go penguins, wearing my Malkin jersey right now.
  6. Run it as the system administrator.
  7. You're reccomended to use 0.37.126, because the 0.37.117 isn't the correct version.
  8. How to make your own skin/truck, hm? First, copy the body skin of your choice. Then decorate it. And finally, group it with a mesh, truck, and material.
  9. Crazyboy335

    Your Pets

    (Sorry if the images are huge) Penny... Licorice.
  10. Reposting. Name: Steven Merzlak AIM: crazyboy335@zoominternet.net Truck: Pastrana 199 Edit: How do I get on the driver meeting.
  11. http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/topic/2281-i-cant-believe-you-guys/
  12. I want to qualify, I do not have an AIM though.
  13. I don't have aim! I can't find the password! HELP!
  14. Name: Steven Merzlak AIM: crazyboy335@zoominternet.net Truck: Pastrana 199
  15. I can't wait to debut. I will be a force to be reckoned with by a couple events, and I have a steering wheel.
  16. Plus, when I look over the zip, it doesn't even have darkgreyrim.mesh.
  17. I wanna use some trucks I downloaded but it says I'm missing DarkGreyRim.mesh. Help me out, I have no AIM.
  18. I don't think you can, danny. That's all I know right now.
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