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Everything posted by maxdfandan555

  1. Who parked Their car, On my sandwich

  2. What was the story behind this? Were they planning to compete both?
  3. Why make it a special tour if it is only 3 shows i mean what is the point just call it a reguar monster jam event
  4. Ya, Im on the exact same boat as you right now i try and try and nothing i wish someone would sit down and show me how to make jumps and stuff guess im not a track maker
  5. Best RoR Track: WF 9 Rockcrwler Real Life Philadelphia 2010
  6. ok i was doing some weird stunts now that i think about it
  7. I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem will this be fixed with the v4 patch?
  8. Nice job aaron it looks exacualy like an advance auto parts i dont know how ya did it lol
  9. Well the red and yellow dosen't really bother me the jumps are the same, but i do think they could change up the course like maybe instede of the big jump a triple? idk
  10. ya but you will just have to go over it before you hit the bus stack
  11. Well here is Mountain Dew Stadium Stadium made by MJFanatic3 NICE JOB AARON
  12. Ik what I did wrong but you HAVE to delete the broken one I send u then clear and regen and install the new one
  13. Like every truck was in Monster Jam Maximum Destruction in example the Superhero trucks why not P.O.D? Licensing issues?
  14. I tried to regen and clear the cache but Son-UVA-Digger, Metal Mullisha, Avenger and Lucas Oil Crusader are all missing. Does that mean I have to sit thru 2 hours of re download again?
  15. maxdfandan555


    I love the Patriots, even though in the end they loose the superbowl twice there still a football team and they still have fans to root for them
  16. Thank you all for making the V4!!! I have been looking so forward to Metal Mullisha and Wolverine and all the trucks added or brought back to the tour this year and the ones that were in V3 YOU GUYS AT SM ROCK
  17. I liked bulldozer it was one of my favorite trucks, so what was the point of getting rid of it all they have to do to bring it back is put the old body on an El Toro Loco
  18. So I go fully through the exporting process but then when I install the track all It is a blank terrain with nothing on it, am I positioing it wrong in Sketchup or doing anything else wrong? if so please tell me thx
  19. OMG I remember this course thx for making it I loved it
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