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File Reviews posted by Edy

  1. To be one of your first tracks, it's an alrigth track. Still, it looks very rushed and like not much effort was put into it.

    A lot of the ramps are lacking some definition, they are very flat and the dirt floor texture is meh.

    There's also minor details like you forgot the tarp on the curved part of the stadium, also monster jam had a red barrier there

    The stadium doesn't have the edgesplit modifier on it

    Also, would suggest not mixing the testmobile cars with the old cars that look like boxes, try modeling something.

    Anyways, alrigth track, could've been better

    Also, would suggest stopping doing the very smooth animations, i feel like it just makes the file bigger in size

  2. Meh.

    Could've been better for what it's worth.

    Main thing, the dirt texture looks like a solid color and very ligth color, it also seems you used a very poor quality texture of dirt

    On the videos the dirt looks very bright becuase of how VHS handled colour and it being kinda overexposed in some parts.

    The green on the ramps is very saturated and the chalk looks like noddles, i recommend using Photoshop's Kyle Ultimate Charcoal brush for those.

    I find intriguing the fact that you actually painted the shadows for the cars and that, very interesting technice for FPS kinda tracks, but still mostly useless and unncesary since you are not doing the shadows of any other object which make the stuff look ominous and weird.

    Also, the sand has a snow grip, kinda counterintuitive there buddy.

    Very meh track, could've been better.



    St. Louis 2008

       1,030    7

    Track looks like it was rushed, and it was definitly was.

    Modeling is very bad, as well as texturing.

    Skidmarks and the dirt color look terrible, like you just took a texture and then just put a very bad trace of a brush.

    Also the track paint looks like it was made in 2 minutes with no care.

    Doing the blue things and that on the double seems useless and they make the track look very ugly.

    Also the stadium is oversized, and that means, so is the track.

    Very bad execution of a track, could've been way better if whoever made it took the time to make a decent track and not rush it.

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