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Everything posted by Edy

  1. Plz tell me what i need to du? Plz?
  2. No Kozak haven't. Sheets was making the body last nigth we were talking on Skype but he ended the call (it was 2 am for me 4 for him) and never knew if he finishes it, he migth be asleep rigth now or i don't know. But i already go the logo done, as always waiting on the body to map it and make the paint just migth need pics of the hood and roof since i haven't seen any apart from sides and front.
  3. SO, yes. Jesus is back. Spec map made it look gold... didn't like it... so yeah....shut up. Next up: 8 + 15 + 15 + 12 + 9 + 7 + 1 + 14 Try solving that up :3
  4. Letter #14 of the alphabet + Letter #15 of the alphabet Will do it no worries...
  5. #PleaseMessageMeAndHelp #EdyNeedsHelp2015
  6. It's getting done, i just need more reference pics, waiting on Kozak and some other people, i have asked for some reference but nobody cares anymore, also my realism satan sometimes isn't that satisfied and make me remake everything from scratch
  7. I know i think it migth be more complicated than Dragon, it migth take months, or years....
  8. Beltran and Sheets are back :3 Waiting on Sheets to send me body Also O'Donell :-I (Or however is wrote)
  9. I can make 2014 one and im getting in risk
  10. I have never got what's the deal with 60fps? Explain plz. Btw, nice video Tom
  11. I don't get why the wanted to run trucks in the dark in the first place.... also why encores have been so short this past years?
  12. No but seriously take your time on stuff....
  13. Meh.... i had this sitting on my computer Migth finish it someday
  14. Amen. By the way I suk #2 Also... is any bother to ask for this YGS madusa paint pics? Thanks :3
  15. Anyone wants to make a chassis for this and also the green one (working on it)? i suk update:
  16. You should relase the model of the stadium, do it please.
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