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Everything posted by Edy

  1. Actually it's a rhino or could be a narwal too, but no, no to unicorn. To be honest that's.... a very lame paint.... i don't know it just looks too flat
  2. Put it in the vehicles folder that should work, if not unzip it to that same folder. It was cancelled. Who told you that? If a guy called "MJSeriesTV" told you that, you should NOT belive him. Anyways, no, there's no actual V4.5 and neither will be buddy
  3. Don't relly use managed materials a lot but not i know. And no conflicts between specs over here Yeah it kind of fixed with that chage of time, but my question is, how can i make it look like that IN ALL THE TIMES? and most importantly, why does this happend and can be fixed?
  4. Ok so shading is not working again... heres a pic of Zombie How it looks: How it should look like: Configurator: ROR Log Please help me....
  5. I just wanted to know..... I mean i just wanted to learn in which cases or props is better to bake and which not.... I wasn't offended at all dude...
  6. So, ok, why do we bake rims? and other props? Can we not bake props or bodies and use the shader instead or in which cases is better to bake and which not? Could you explain that?
  7. I helped u :c Nice truck m8
  8. ... God ... Why don't you guys never bother to search around Show Your Projects?... http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/topic/7930-show-your-projects-chapter-38/?p=100695 ... Im working on it, still not done yet ...
  9. http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/topic/7930-show-your-projects-chapter-38/?p=101172 SEE SHOW YOUR PROJECTS
  10. Who missed making tracks? I did.
  11. Edy Beltran coconut_men Identy Theft http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1536-identity-theft/
  12. Edy


    I don't it just feel it sits too low...
  13. Got the same problem, how do i remove does white tires?
  14. Just make a tutorial or something telling how to put props on this thing... i don't get how.
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