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Posts posted by _PiTBUL_

  1. for the 2nd time today I'm gonna X2 Robbie there...


    we used to have all kinds of fun in the MTM2 days figuring out new ways to place cars,busses, planes, semi trucks,  in some radical but still realistic ways...

    all these replicas, as good as they are, have a cookie cutter feel to them because the real events are all planned out the same ways.

    let the creativity flow guys

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  2. inb4 fighting over sports^^


    Also, if you live in Indiana, you never hear the end of this, regardless if you care about basketball or not.


    Indiana people will forget about this within a couple weeks... however I'm stuck living in the louisville area.... I'm not gonna stop hearing about it for a few years...:(

  3. The BEST reaction I've had was when I bought a BRATz sports car... happens to fit a 1/10 R/C touring car fairly well and makes a really cool lookin body for it

  4. this is one of many facilities in my basement... its aprox scale 3/16 mi banked dirt oval/figure 8... (still WIP yet to host its first event)


    currently blocked by furniture as I'm in the middle of a re-arrange... is about 1.25mi Tri Oval with infield/outfield road course and a 2 mi Quad Oval with infield roadcouse and I'll have to re-do my 4 mi road course...

    all the tracks are painted on the concrete floor and detailed out fairly well... and I've got half an idea to build a high banked tri oval out of bondo... it'll have an infield road course aswell

  5. Never said I was ashamed of it... I've probably gone to the extreme with the hotwheels

    however... I'll take a few pics to show ya what I mean

  6. yea I definatly still want it...and any other of the old league trucks you might still have,I know I had MOST if not ALL of them from the WMTCS series but lost em in comp crashes.
     I still goof off in MTM2 quite a bit, can't say I do much just run all the cool trucks through the same kinda made up obstical course through the fS version of Brampton Arena *By Demon* from the race cam veiw, almost daily... sometimes I actually time myself.... if I knew how I'd record and U tube it maybe lol

  7. I'll accept the compliment for the rest of the team still out in hiding...
    I may talk to Meth about starting new generation recruitment...
    I may be the only guy who still claims to run under the banner...


  8. Shoe, I think your a bit confused on where we  knew eachother... , cause I know u from Draggers, I think I had bounced myself away from Vales before you joined the party... Granted I think I still put most of my trucks on there aswell as MTM2.com just to have em out there


    and yea I had spent probably a solid 6 months tweaking the V3 RTS with a couple of my XFA team mates... and if the XFA boys could FS em... you know something worked...

  9. Yeah I know you guys have your hands full with V4.5. I did suggest the same thing to him about exporting bodies from MTM2. Problem is the best looking stuff out there imho is Rep Fan's work. Even if I can contact him, I doubt he'll agree.


    For those who don't know the man: he's a tough old guy who liked to horde his work to himself. He never released his projects on vales. It took me a while to convince him to let me use his work so I can make myself a custom leafer, and it took even more convincing to allow me to upload it on vales. I haven't wrote him yet though. It's always worth a shot...


    Better that than one day he happens to find himself on SM and finds that people have "molested" his work without asking...


    If you guys want I could ask, as much greif as he's given the community about his works he has never given me the slightest hint of a no on anything I've ever asked him to use... possibly because I fell off the Vale's forum around the time the daily download limit was implemented and he knew I was in no way part of the "incidents" that led him to his ways...  I think i've still got his email addy...


    Projects all look great guys,  I cannot wait to find that figure 8 on my terrains menu ;)


    I've got a buddy who just finished with IT A+ certification classes *honestly I'm not sure what that means* who is gonna be in town tomorrow trying to help me get blender to run on this machine, with any luck I'll be able to throw my hand in on this instead of having to have someone (Thanks again RKM) convert/update/re-detail/map for me...

    I'll DEFINATLY be doing some leafers if thats the case... (also likely Tanks Tuff trux and Mud racers... mostly because I can)

    • Upvote 2
  10. NFS Prostreet wasn't bad... Drift mode made me think I was playing an NES game

    Grid is good aswell as its off-road sister the Dirt series, the first IMO is the better of them.
    Shift 2 is really good but you definatly have to do some suspension setup on the cars to make them driveable most of the time.
    Midnight club LA is pretty good for a street racer game

    GT5 is the best all out racer even though the feel isnt the same and they REALLY kinda jipped a good handful of cars...(for example the '78 Nissan Fairlady 280Z-L aka '79 280zx in the states, will completly max out at 280hp and weigh in at under 1000kg, however has a difficult time running with an almost stock honda civic... I own a '79 280zx and dyno'd at 258hp at the wheels with nothing but a long tube header and monster camshaft and a hot wired cold start injector to fire as a throttle body assist injector to keep from leaning out too much, the car has only seen 2 sets of honda tail lights, one was a 520hp CRX (BOooOOsted out the wazzoo WITH spray) the other was an NSX in other words.. I give Vette owners a hard time because I beat them on the CHEAP gas :)
    *sorry got a bit side tracked there*


    spend enough time working setups and you CAN get the cars to feel right, but it really takes time and a knowledge of suspension workings to realize what you need to do with it.


    other than that I can't really say I've found any worth reccomending to anyone. but if you just want to have a good time cruising around at high speeds with a good variety of cars with good physics, give the newest DRIVER a shot.

  11. I don't recall what Killin Time had started as, all I had of it was the body to paint, I don't recall who put the rest of the truck together for Roach...
    I know none of the CI trucks had ever started as another truck, the only 2 bodies it ever had that I didnt heavily modify was the '97 Nissan and the F-150 Pre runner... the '02 frontier was originally the quad cab race frontier from 4x4 evo,(same place the F-150 came from)


    anyone by chance still have the Steel City Outlaw I had built for Agosh? it may have been a lag monster and a serious PITA to paint but that all custom '34 ford panel body was wicked cool, I'd be happy to even find a pic of it somewhere.

  12. I have to say it looks better on the meent's chassis than the original did... but then again the original was done close to 5 yrs before anyone had done a chassis that well


    I was gonna say before I scrolled down to see your description.. looks like the RTS expiriments from way back when... I really kinda wish that Idea had taken off..
    I know alot of people have taken credit for "trying that first"... but I was the first one to put one out for the public to try ("bigfoot realism test")

    little known fact about those... I had a version 3 of them that worked REALLY well ( could FS decent without turtling too) but no one was interested enough in trying them out so they never got released...
    I *THINK* I remember how I had done it... and could probably be talked into putting another one together.


    and Roach... if you still have that Killin time, I could use a copy of it to put back in my showcase (been through a comp or 2 since then).. I forgot how good that thing looked untill I saw it in the MTM2 forum.
    and for anyone who cares to be curious I added the C.I. lineage to the "old projects" thread in that topic.

  13. I'm curious to see what the outcome of that was, if you've got a shot of it I'd like to see...

    and thanks for the welcomes guys



    The ROR truck will be very similar to the MTM2 version posted above.. but like I said, I'm not sure what I'm actually doing with the scheme yet... for now I've just thrown the last scheme on the new body

  14. and Roach.. I forgot how well that Killin Time came out..
    If you've still got it send it back to me... I'd like to add it back into my showcase so to speak...(been through a few HDs since I painted her up for ya)

  15. I enjoyed the lineage posts so I figured I'd throw mine into the mix...  I did leave out a few trucks of my C.I. fleet that never saw any race time... 

    This is amongst the longest continually run custom truck line in the game. and right here is where it started back in 2000,
    The Rolls Roys Merlin V-12 powered '97 Nissan body that started it all


    Not long after the original was buit it was followed by one of the first custom tank trucks in the game, powered by the Allison V-12


    Following that we moved to a front motor V8 powered '67 Shelby GT500 body


    the following season introduced an american pride paintscheme and a wing added


    next came the rear motored F-150 pre runner


    having gone back to the '67 shelby for what was actually the 8th incarnation of the name the "8baller" subname was added to the truck
    it was this version of it that carried me to a runner up in the ProDRO championship and a DOMINATING racing win at the ProDRO WF4


    After the 8 baller came the C.I. Wrecker '41 Ford F-1 tow truck body powered by a front mounted Packard aircraft V-12


    in 2003 the game changed a little bit and we started focusing more on realistic modeling,
    and came the Chaotic Intentions Racer, wich went back to the rear motor V-8 with the ole '97 Nissan with a Mt.Dew sponsorship

    For the summertime series we picked up a sponsorship from Sony's Gran Turismo 4

    for the '06 season the Allison Aircraft V-12 was re-installed along with a new body, the '02 Nissan Frontier

    Along with the new C.I. I managed to pick up a Pair of drivers to drive under the Chaotic Motorsports banner
    Robby Milburn's Dominator


    and James (last name escapes me) *Mudvaynefan* Lost Soul  '59 Impala Hearse

    with the Retro leafer series the team put together one of the most unique leafer's ever
    the Blown Profits custom 1956 Ford F-100 super cab tow truck powered by a Rolls Royce helicopter Turbine engine


    along with the new leafer the main race truck was updated with a cantilever suspension setup and the first paintjob I ever did with a program other than MS paint ;)


    even with the fall of MTM2 the trucks evolution has continued with a new chassis (based on the digger 12 frame)



    and its rebody as a '78 International Scout Traveler

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