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Everything posted by RKM

  1. This track from what we've seen, this field of trucks.... it's going to be one of the best world finals ever IMO. Can't wait for tomorrow and Saturday! See you guys there and on AIM/Skype for the usual craziness that is our community party that comes around once a year.
  2. Ask questions about season 2 here, we will try to answer your questions as quickly and accurately as we can.
  3. If they were smart they'd put it back on PPV.
  4. If you want a full blown SIM physics wise, NR03 and iRacing is what you'll want. If the physics sucking doesn't bother you then go for one of the console games. Also worth noting iRacing and NR03 are for PC ONLY, I play NR03 cause I like the physics and it's not too graphics intensive so most older PC's can run it pretty good.
  5. Coming to an office near you...
  6. Not possible when we're lucky to have 1 guy that can host for us the entire night. It's a nice idea but RoR doesn't work anything like MTM2, the "2 room's" would end up having to be 2 chats, we can't jam 6-8 people in a single RoR server due to the lag that would ensue from all the trucks being there so we try to limit the amount of people in-game and if they are in-game they don't spawn a truck most have, that way the only trucks in-game are the ones racing.
  7. Looks nice but quality is pretty bad, looks photo-textured with no touch-up even tried.
  8. Uncheck "Enable Network Mode".
  9. Neat track and idea but it feels a bit rushed and plain and there is quite a bit of lag on any of the ramps with cars embedded in them. Shame really, could have been a great track, should have just replicated one of the MLMT/MTC events from it and you would have been better off IMO.
  10. Could do it by points from last season but then you'd get people complaining about that as well.
  11. Needs some color tweaks but y'all can blame Casey for that.
  12. Actually you CAN change tire PSI via left and right bracket [ & ] on the keyboard, however only some vehicles feature this.
  13. It's official, add Backdraft!
  14. Nothing to see here, move along.
  15. That was due to a stupid track design, Tingler's second time in Monster Mutt Dalmatian at Vegas he was the first truck out and finished 3rd, I think he knows what to do.
  16. Me? I hope I can too. I know who you mean but I had to. Jeremy's run in Syracuse, hell all YEAR are why he deserves to be in Vegas!
  17. I'd love to see what Tanner could do in a monster. Awesome interview & read Josh, thank you for doing it.
  18. Until Casey deletes 564 of them again.
  19. To put it simple in one word, amazing. Here's a few pics to hold you guys over till the guys with really good pics have time to post. Do not copy to other sites or upload elsewhere without my permission.
  20. NNR has been known to be filled with viruses and they don't try to remove them, you've been warned and you won't ever catch me there (Jordan knows this).
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