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Everything posted by RKM

  1. Will there be a core test to see if we found the tango core or just sticking with what we have? I'm game for a test whenever if you want to try and find it. My cars w/ crews http://sim-monsters.com/forums/index.php?/files/file/153-34-rockstar-energy-drink-ford-fusion/
  2. Surprised no one saw the name on the blender window at the top. Overdid the rust on the truck IMO PC, or overdid the color...could be either one.
  3. RKM


    And you guys wonder why all of our new members are only here for the downloads. Welcome to the site however it is in our rules that you must be 13 years old or have parental consent to be a part of our site/forum, one of our admins will contact you with details about how to do that. Just want to let you know there are several of us here from MTM2 who raced that game online for over 5 years and even some well over 10.
  4. RKM

    Halo Reach

    http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CC4QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FEnglish_language&rct=j&q=english%20language&ei=-2-rTYeuM8LKgQei-tjzBQ&usg=AFQjCNF3np7SShGR3LcDRZZxN7lZpGUR_g&sig2=p40X1P0MQYYj0Wh8qg1frg&cad=rja http://www.towson.edu/ows/sentencestruct.htm If you want anyone to take you seriously I highly suggest reading the two above links...not just talking to you either.
  5. Not completely done but coming to a truckpack near you...also waaay less laggier now.
  6. We're aiming at doing more replica events for season 2 for the main league.
  7. RKM

    Fun Run

    Please go to you're nearest school for reading lessons.
  8. 6 of us in a chat waiting Jordan. You'd make 7.
  9. I'd rather combine the two and make something so beastly it can not be seen by the human eye for health reasons.
  10. Nice post Dig, hopefully it will stop some people from spamming your AIM and youtube. Also to the guy trying to cause trouble, consider this your only warning, if I have to delete another of your posts like I just did you'll be taking a vacation, thread isn't about you or SC racing...it says "RC Monster Trucks" which is exactly what it is for.
  11. Honestly if you think it's sending the truck too vertical then you're driving it wrong, haven't had any issues like that at all unless I try to drive through a jump like its an RV. Fun track Jr, think I found my new test facility.
  12. They're Casey's hover I did modify them to look the way I wanted (more realistic) like I do to most of his tire textures. Yes I do make stuff however tire textures aren't really my thing.
  13. Great idea however I don't think it would be possible and I'm pretty sure it would cause massive amounts of lag for some people. Not trying to take down your idea, honestly I'd like to see a realistic track like it as well but it might not be for quite awhile.
  14. Let me put it this way, I don't even have a graphics card in my PC other then whats integrated into my CPU and with that I usually average 70fps on most tracks. That is also with the same stuff you guys have available and of course some stuff I'm working on for the new pack. We simply can not make it any lower for you guys or we'd be going back to MTM2 standards, laptops aren't really that great for ROR but some CAN play it. Sorry but it sounds like your only option would be to invest in a mid range gaming PC ($5-700), just remember you get what you pay for these days. EDIT: Also, please make sure you're running the game with the lowest graphics since that is how you get the most FPS out of the game.
  15. Awesome teamwork with Mr.Kozak.
  16. Yeah, basically it's there to be a barrier from keeping the wheel rip the shocks off of the chassis/mounts in a side slap or awkward landing.
  17. Not sure how old you are so you might not remember them all, but if you do then ignore most of this post for others. !!!!PIC HEAVY!!!! Here's a collection of pictures showing Backdrafts evolution to where it is as of WF12 (these ARE in order). ↓↓This chassis currently runs as the Stone Crusher Darren Migues drives.↓↓ ↓↓This is the same chassis under Backdraft as of Las Vegas, albeit has gone through some changes to keep up with the demand of large obstacles.↓↓
  18. It could, however the original (pickup version) was an older style ram ('94-'98). Would be a nice project for a new guy to get his hands dirty in truck building though, very nice to see other people on here building/editing things I haven't seen doing it before.
  19. Anyone want to try and have a nice big party tonight and play this? Instead of fighting with each other we should just shoot each other, feels so much better...right demko? Couple of pics for anyone wondering what this game is that doesn't want to watch the video in the first post. (keep in mind this is what I play on cause my PC sucks) My best scores so far... I like my chopper..
  20. Other then mapping them but you didn't make them.
  21. Were you planning to ask me to use my chassis before or after you released it?
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