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Posts posted by RKM

  1. not sure ur reasons, I bet they are good and all, but.... Krmel is the only one without a championship under his belt

    That's because he's usually screwed out of going to Vegas because he either

    A. Didn't have his own truck or "full-time" ride

    B. Drove the 2nd (or 3rd truck if you count the Grinders) of the same name

    Sure I'll tick off some people but face it guys Seasock is NOT a freestyler at all, Lupe is not a racer; Krmel is both of those. I also HATE how 90% of Lupe's fs runs are him just trying to flip the truck and getting a good score for it. :unsure:

    • Upvote 1
  2. Jimmy and Dawn Creten have kids to raise... I'm sure that would factor into not being able to run full-time at the moment.

    If anyone deserves to drive Grinder in Vegas...It's Krmel, not Lupe or Seasock...I have my reasons for my opinion. :huh:

  3. my predictions and 2 cents is this. in my opinion. JGR or stewart-haas has the best chance at winning the cup race this weekend. i have no doubt kyle wouldve won the 500 if his car wasnt so damaged. he was able to run the draft and maneuver the car so well.

    as well as the nationwide race goes. i think its a toss up.

    and in the truck series, i honestly think austin dillon is gonna be in the top 3 in points this year. and this race will start his amount in the win column this season.

    BTW casey. you listened and made the thread! :P

    Understatement much? :P

    Drivers running multiple series have to elect which series they want to race in for points, Bayne chose Nationwide.

    I honestly think after the start so far this year we may end up with a lot of unsuspected winners or guys that have not won for awhile (JR Nation rejoice).

  4. Finally got to look at this thread in full detail now that my internet sucks a little less, great shots guys.

    From about a year ago...Don't have a fancy camera either as of Feb. of this year my camera is now 4 years old. :huh:

    All from the same location on the same day...gotta love having to wait 4hrs...(Mr.Burks can probably relate to that) :lol: So what better way to entertain myself then enjoy the views.




    None of the above are edited either, ask for use if you want to do anything with them or I'll have a problem with you. B)

    The following are edited a little.






    Ask for use if you want to do anything with them or I'll have a problem with you. B)

    • Upvote 3
  5. I'll be 100% honest with you, I think racing sucks really, you get almost no air at all and the ramps are smaller then the trucks. I'd be lying if I said I actually wanted to race on it, FS is actually half way decent but I can't stand racing.

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