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Everything posted by RobbieMilburn

  1. Beautiful. Can't wait to get home and tear it up immediately. Now, all we need is some mud tracks like DAMMP to run it on! And a few more muddy trucks!
  2. No offense taken. Because, dodge is the much better looking body. And, a slightly related topic I wish we could get some mud truck/trucks in game.
  3. Captain Awesome! You're so awesome! P.s KFC.
  4. So, will this be the first WF in RoR to have an actual nighttime setting?
  5. Just using the couple IDS preseason events to get the bugs worked out, then we shall be starting up shortly.
  6. Sounds good. Because, as someone works Mon-Fri 8:30-5:00 I like going out on the weekends. Thus, I am a fan of Sundays.
  7. This is EXACTLY what I was talking about when I said "realistic customs."
  8. So, are we still starting at 9 since you said all time have been moved back?
  9. I'd prefer another day since I have CFMTS. However, best of luck. Hope to attend a future event.
  10. Any updates on the King Sling or other mud trucks on previous pages? And since I assume these wont be available on here(?) where will they be available. I'm a complete RoR noob outside of MTs.
  11. Auz is in love. I can tell. I am interested in running and or helping if needed, talk to me on FB after I get off work. lol
  12. In all honesty, this is completely my opinion, but I wish we'd see more custom realistic tracks with innovative obstacles. May be off topic, but Jose's post reminded me of how much I miss customs.
  13. Thursdays would honestly be the best possible day for myself!
  14. I don't hide in corners! I'm in the open! lmao
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