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Everything posted by monsterjamcod0329

  1. 439 downloads

    Well, my first ever piece of content uploaded here. I know its not perfect, but I hope to get better being that this is my first completed track. I know I didnt put the starting or finishing lines on the track, still trying to figure that one out. Hope you guys like it.
  2. I've heard there is one fallback with the faster turning speed, it is alot harder to counter steer and check up.
  3. In my opinion, the officials should treat all the driver like they treat tom. As many of you have seen, tom can be completely on his roof and he will still be able to run with the truck on its side for a good 5 to 10 second. Yes the way tom's chassis is made, it allows the truck to be driveable on the side/roof, but the official shouldnt get button happy with the riin when is comes to other drivers. There been many flips that couldve turned into saves if it wasnt for the official shuting that truck off.
  4. wait, so everyone will be in the server at the same time?
  5. Hey, you can count on me for Syracuse in march
  6. yea, at first i thought it was Toronto until i saw the barriers at the end of the track
  7. Well, you guys can't even base the size off of video, for some reason, videos make the track look bigger. For example, the world finals, it looks so big on tv but when you are walking on it it is so small you wonder how the trucks do what they do on such a small track.
  8. actually, ive found out if you delete the body mesh line in the truck file, itll just take out the body, so all you have to do is copy the truck file, delete the body mesh line, add bodyless to the first line of the truck file and rename the truck file itself
  9. Well, I had a plan to make the trucks bodyless in v4 and upload the truck files to those bodyless trucks so you guys can have regular trucks with bodies and trucks without bodies. Thing is, is there a demand for bodiless trucks on this site?
  10. So here is my first ever obstacle made in blender, tell me what you guys think of it.
  11. Well, the first time i saw the monsters in rigs of rods was when the first video of grave digger at squishy stadium back in I believe Jan. of 2010. I've watched many videos of the trucks on youtube and i saw how realistic these trucks had handled and i was instantly hooked with this game. Didnt actually had a pc that could actually handle the game until late June of this year which was when i first played. I automatically made some friends in the rormt community and started playing with them alot on cifpo over the summer. Then once i got my controller to work, i noticed that my driving became so much better then i actually started signing up for fun run and leagues. Over the last few months ive gotten a few wins in leagues such as Big Dawgs and Monsters of ROR. I've also started somewhat of a league with Devin Doss and Mason Watts called DJMRacing. Then 2 weeks ago i was able to do what i have wanted to do since i first started playing rigs of rods which was compete at a major fun run with all of the big dogs of sim monsters. I was shocked that i won freestyle knowing the awesome talent that was still to freestyle after me. I hope i will be able to do more stuff like that in the future with you guys. Trucks that i have driven: Bad Habit in Big Dawgs Maximum Destruction in Monsters of ROR Monster Mutt in RTR Stone Crusher at the Phoenix fun run and E Maxx at the El Paso fun run
  12. Here is a major project I will do with each of the trucks in v4
  13. And here we go the stupid argument of which system is better. I play ps3 because that is what i prefer, I'm not gonna lie, xbox is pretty cool for the few times I've played it. But I still rather play ps3 because that is what I'm accustomed to. In my opinion, I see both system as being very similar, i dont see one system that is better then the other, it just depends on what ppl perfer. All I really play now is black ops 2
  14. So here is something that Chris, Josh G., Blair, and myself came up with. What you guys think?
  15. That does work, but being that when you switch gears, the truck slows down for a second, I keep it in second in the turns and instead of holding the gas, I tap the gas throughout the turn.
  16. The way i use the gears is different from racing to freestyle. In racing, i always try to keep the truck in second, while im turning, i barely hold the gas, i tap the gas more then anything. So in a chicago style turn, for example el paso, ill maybe tap the gas anywhere from 10 to 20 time depending on how deep i take the turn. Freestyle is a complete different story for me. I stay in first the whole freestyle, unless there is a ramp i want to get big air off of, then ill put the truck in second.
  17. This is amazing, it's like rct3 and no limit combined, then you times it by ten. May I ask what's the name?
  18. I would like to say thank you guys for a great Friday night. I still don't know how I won freestyle with the great lineup that was still to come up after me. I hope I get to be part of more stuff like this in the future. And the song that was being played during my freestyle was the complete wrong song because I'm not Mexican, I'm Puerto Rican. So yea. Once again thanks for the great night.
  19. Julio Vellon Traxxax E Maxx ( pretty sure i had spelled that wrong) juliovellon0329@yahoo.com
  20. I play with a ps3 controller, i can help you one day to install the driver and send you the map key i use for the controller
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