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Nick Migues

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Posts posted by Nick Migues

  1. Well the tour is nearing the end and we just wrapped up 6 shows in Rosemont Illinois. The last week we spent at Vaters for the last time this year, and did another display with Mutt in Rosemont. Had our first show on Friday night, which started off interesting with a surprise visit for the weekend by JR McNeal (our boss of course) and his crew chief Jimmy Walker. Then in 2 Wheels Trent broke an inner axle which we tried to fix during the show but we couldn’t get the broken piece of inner axle out of the locker so we ran donuts with no axle in it then didn’t get to freestyle broke. Got er fixed up for Saturday where things went pretty well, Trent picked up his second 2 wheels skill victory, and we got through both shows pretty easily with no damage except a little body damage on the Mutt because he rolled and the Shark body would not stay on because it was destroyed so it just kept falling off lol. Sunday afternoon in the first round of racing Trent faced off with Jack, and Jack took the win while Trent dropped a valve in the motor which took him out for The rest of the show. JR, Jimmy, Kristen, Rudy and Trent all went To swap the motor in Shark while I stayed with Jack for the shows. Jack not only made it to the semi finals, but then beat Tyler and made it to the finals for the first time where he sadly lost to Colton but it was awesome to see him make it that far in racing and then he later on went on to make it to the finals in speedsters where he won his first competition this year which was awesome! Between shows we had to swap out a rear steer motor because Jacks burnt up while they continued to swap the Shark motor. Then in the second show Jack and Trent were supposed to race again but Shark wasn’t ready yet so Jack advanced to the semis where he took out Tyler once again and made it to the finals again where he lost to Kayla in a good race and then made it to the finals in speedsters where he lost but Jack still had an awesome day competition wise. Then the rest of the team finally got Shark back out for donuts and freestyle of the last show on Sunday which was awesome as well. Then finally our last show on Monday was good, both trucks made it to the semi finals in racing and Trent took out Tyler in the semi finals and then lost to Kayla in the finals of racing. Jack once again made it to the finals of speedsters where he lost again. All around it was an awesome weekend and not bad damage wise for 6 shows. This weekend we wrap up the tour for first quarter in Grand Rapids Michigan! Shark is supposed to have a display Thursday but I dunno because it doesn’t have a body right now lol it might be Mutt. Hoping for a solid ending this weekend. Hope everyone has an awesome week! 

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  2. 38 minutes ago, maxdman said:

    1:15 on the right side of the screen.  I don't think any FELD truck runs yellow rims

    Only truck that’s has ever had the yellow is the stunt truck with the MJ25 body on it but they wouldn’t be those rims because I believe ZFs have a different bolt pattern than Clark’s do 

  3. The longest weekend ever. Literally. Friday night we kicked some major butt. All night long Digger had issues so Trent battled for overall and led in points a few times. After an ATV wins and a few runner ups, at the end him and Kayla were tied for the overall and the tie breaker was the higher freestyle score so Kayla won. But we paid the price for trying to keep up in points, ripped the spindle right off the knuckle after skying it out. The way our trucks are built, the knuckle is 2 pieces, and the old style knuckles are welded together, and the champagnes are welded to the housing. Along with the knuckle, it took out our wheel tethers, and messed up the hub. So we had to take the knuckle off because it ripped the threads out of it (the spindle bolts to the knuckle BTW). So we had to rip it apart, cut everything apart which was a pain because the Torch wouldn’t work right either. Somewhere around 1 or 2 am I think we finally got it all apart. Somewhere along the line we also decided we needed to swap the transmission out in Megalodon as well, so we had to swap that while Trent did some fab work to get our new parts fixed and ready. We also had to fix Jacks rear steering and we found the housing broke but we actually never fixed it because Jack had to sit the weekend out for some other issues. Around 7 am when the tech officials showed back up we were finishing up putting the axle back together and by 8 we had the tire back on and by 9 the truck was ready. That’s right folks, we didn’t sleep at all. Saturday during the pit party we decided to nap, about 2 minutes into my nap Cody( Scooby crew chief) woke me up cuz I had to move Monster Mutt outside the arena so Kristen and Rudy napped and I chugged a monster and paced the pit party like 5 times lol. Then the first show went pretty good, didn’t have any issues, even got to shower before the 2nd show which was nice lol. 2nd show the show went well again, didn’t have any issues again except Trent rolled in freestyle so we were up til about 12 am fixing the body. After almost 41 hours straight being awake we finally went to bed around 1 am... got about 5 hours of sleep, and did our last show. We were so exhausted that we could barely stand lol. In our last show the show went good didn’t have any issues other than the body kinda fell apart in freestyle lol so a long long long weekend. On the bright side we don’t have much to do in terms of work before Rosemont. 6 longgggggg shows this weekend. Hope everyone got more sleep then we did! Lol have a good week everyone. Also just out of curiousity how’s everyone liking this? Is there anything I can do to improve my blogs? I like writing them but I feel like I’ve gotten kinda flat lol so feel free to let me know and make suggestions :) 

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  4. Believe it or not, Judges Zone is real. They straight up told us they don’t care who wins. Digger will still kill it and sell merch whether it wins or not. You can tell it’s real because a run can be lame but have a cool save, and they’ll win just because of that. Definitely still fan judging 

  5. 2 hours ago, Robertson Racing said:

    So, i have an honestly serious question for those who have gone in the past few years of the 2 Day Shows. Is it worth going to the pit party both days or just one? This is my first time going for the 2 day show and I'm wondering if there are different things that go one during the 2 pit parties. I didn't buy the double down package since i am on a limited budget for this trip. Plus, its my girlfriends first ever trip to Vegas and she turns 21 the weekend before. If you guys could offer help that would be wonderful! 

    In Vegas it is simply because there is so many trucks and other things that unless to do everything unless you just look at everything without actually doing anything while there. And it’s just a really cool experience all around 

  6. The thing is with Wonder Woman tho is with Man Of Steel they didn’t throw a rookie into the WF. Plus being in the DDS still gives the truck WF exposure which is basically what they want. I don’t see them puttin her or anyone else in that truck in the main field this year 

  7. The thing with Dishman is he’s never even made a pass or even displayed at Vegas so I wouldn’t really pick him as a winner just yet on that. Just because he’s won racing twice doesn’t mean anything, Chicago isn’t the same as the Vegas J hook. The truck should handle Vegas well tho, those ram trucks make huge power. Also I’m hopeful for Eric being in but I’m a little skeptical as it seems they give indies about 2 years in Vegas before either being promoted to main field or not being invited at all, and on top of of that Eric didn’t have a full schedule this year as well so I’m hopeful but unsure there. 

  8. Here’s what im thinking on the DDS:

    1. Krysten Anderson- Digger

    2. Armando Castro- El Toro

    3. Ami Houde- Zombie

    4. Collette Davis- Wonder Woman

    5. Kayla Blood- El Toro

    6. Myranda Cozad- Scooby

    7. Tony Ochs- Black Ops

    8. Brandon Vinson- Digger

    9. Jared Eichelberger- Max-D

    10. Pirates Curse- Camden Murphy

    11. Rage- Cory Rummell

    12. Stinger- Zane Rettew

    13. Jester- Matt Pagliarulo 

    14. Bernard Lyght- Alien

    15. Mat Dishman- Rammunition

    16. Blue Thunder- Matt Cody Or Over Bored- Jamey Garner

    im not a fan of this lineup,but l also don’t expect a huge independent presence either. Of course they’re gonna put in their drivers first, so which ever ones don’t make it in the main field will fill up spots in the DDS. I also think it’s very possible for Mark List to be on this list as well. I think Eric Swanson and Cynthia Gauthier will move up to the main field this year, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if Eric is in DDS again simply because he didn’t have a full schedule this year. Obviously for the TT central, everyone in the top 3 is already WF competitors so basically everyone else is either out or in the DDS so I think they’ll use the rest of their drivers but I don’t think Jack and Trent will be in it either. On the east and west, I think Sipes and Tristan will win their tours pretty much placing everyone else in the DDS or with no invites. across the board I just see the DDS this year as a place for the Feld drivers who missed the WF from mainly the arena tours. 

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  9. Personally if Armando doesn’t win I think he should be in DDS since he’s never even been in that. I hope Chuck makes it in the WF, and I could see Becky getting Mutt for WF as well. I don’t see them taking Colton or any other digger driver or maxd driver out of those trucks for Mutt. Also if Sipes wins his tour I honestly don’t see Blackwell getting a spot, he only competed last year because Sipes couldn’t so I don’t see them putting Blackwell in this year. I’m excited to see more announcements as well as tour winners 

  10. On a side note I think this first quarter is really catching up with us. We’re all pretty exhausted and haven’t slept much this year and it’s been tough because unlike last year we havent been back to our shop at all so just hotel after hotel has been a little rough lol. But we’re having fun and soon we should find out if we made Vegas so fingers crossed because I really want to compete this year, so hoping to make it this year since this year is the last year for World Finals there. Gonna be a long last few weeks, 4 shows in Allentown, 6 shows in Rosemont and maybe even 7 in Rosemont if we do the Boy Scout show, and then 5 in Grand Rapids to top it off. Either way I’m ready for a little break lol. Hope to see some of y’all around!

  11. Baltimore was a good weekend! It was somewhat warm which was nice. Kicked off Friday with a broken axle in Shark in freestyle, got that fixed up for the next day of shows. This one was weird because we pitted in a tunnel where you had to drive out in the parking lot where the trailers were then into a tiny tunnel into the arena so that was odd trying to get through parking for pit party. Then Saturday afternoon I made a mistake and forgot to bolt down a limit strap which stretched a shock and broke it so between shows we had to rebuild shocks which wasn’t bad then in the night show a shock on the other side of the rear broke again so we had to rebuild it again for Sunday’s show. Then Sunday we had a really good show, broke another axle in shark in freestyle but other than it all just went well. We got loaded up really fast and walked around Baltimore some which was fun. Working at Vaters again this week. On Thursday we a have a display with Rott in Allentown PA, with 4 shows on Friday, Saturday and Sunday! Come check us out!!

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  12. I mean I feel like Creten should get a spot, he’s won racing a few times this year and has been very consistent and the first few times he lost he lost because of the truck having issues not him. I think with the new truck this year could be his year 

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