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Nick Migues

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Posts posted by Nick Migues

  1. Pittsburgh! We had a crazy weekend. Friday night Trent had his first rollover in wheelies and then lost rear steering and Jack broke a ground wire on the battery killing the truck in wheelies and freestyle. After the show we threw a rear steer pump in the Shark and did a little work to the body. Then Saturday afternoon show went pretty good but Trent broke a rear drive shaft so we thrashed to get it ready for the night show. In the night show in donuts the u joint exploded in the axle and also took out the inner axle so we thrashed with the help of a few Feld guys and got it done about half way through freestyle but they said we missed our chance to run. And then Trent rolled again in freestyle so we had some work to do the body. And in jacks truck we checked the locker and thought it was good but today in racing it gave out so it ran everything but freestyle because we couldn’t fix the locker in time for anything in the show. And then in wheelies Trent ripped the shocks apart which ended his day because we didn’t have any spare shocks. Then to cap it all off it poured rain while tiring down which made everything slick which sucked because our trailers were parked facing down hill. All in all a rough weekend but on to Vaters again to put our junk together for Baltimore 

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  2. They have after show autographs at arenas but not stadiums. Which makes sense because arenas don’t have 70,000 people to sign for like stadiums. Besides watch a mj show from 2009 and then watch from today and then sit there and tell me they have not gotten better 😂 Drivers have added way more tricks, trucks are able to handle more abuse and they have designed shows to be just constant action packed, fast moving fun for high entertainment. They definitely made it more exciting I’ll give them that. And believe it or not MJ doesn’t care who wins 

  3. Well Uniondale was a fun (and very cold) one. First show out Friday wasn’t bad but in wheelies jack broke a steering ram and a block out valve in the rear steer and we were unable to get it ready in time for the rest of the show, and then in freestyle Trent lost a transmission. Got it fixed up for Saturday show which went pretty good, no issues and no breakage and if I remember right it’s the show Trent beat Jack in the speedster finals which was cool. Then Saturday night Trent broke a front steering ram and Jack had some rear steer issues so we got all that lined out for our last show. Then in the last show Jacks rear steer kept hanging up so we had to take the rear steer pump valve apart a few times, and then in freestyle Jack broke another rear steer ram and we think Trent either broke 2 inner axles in the rear or broke the locker, we’re not sure yet. All in all wasn’t horrible altho I think i got about 6 hours of sleep this weekend so I’m pretty exhausted lol. But unlike last year I got to watch the Super Bowl today which was a great game and a nice ending to the weekend. Going to Vaters shop tomorrow to get some more things lined out with the trucks hopefully and then we’re off to Pittsburgh which I believe we have a display for on Thursday. Come see us and have a good week everyone! 

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  4. 47 minutes ago, Sergeant Politeness said:

    Now Bryce I gotta disagree with. He did a podcast with the AllMonster guys back last year, guy knows his stuff. I mean hell Dennis made a career giving the same speech, if you took a shot if he said "every shingle on my roof" you'd be dead before you got through a season.

    Everyone on our tour  has the same interview every weekend too. Just how they do it now by asking yhe same questions 

  5. 20 hours ago, TheRetroStyle said:

    You guys did awesome this past weekend :) Went to the Saturday night show and Trent came so close to winning ATV's. Jack did pretty good despite being out for Donuts and Freestyle, and I found it kinda funny how, at the end of Trent's freestyle, his last hit swept the entire body off all at once and it had to be dragged off the track by crew guys. It was a fantastic show and I had a lot of fun. Hope to see y'all compete again next year.

    Yeahhhh that body is pretty well destroyed now which is pretty impressive for a body that never got rolled lol 

  6. Well Newark was the best weekend yet! We made it through the whole first show with no issues, and not only that but the trucks did well! Jack had beautiful wheelies and even ripped the wheelie bar off on Saturday night and Trent killed it as always, Trent even picked up his first win of the year in speedsters. Overall Trent finished 2nd in the first event. 2nd show Jack broke an inner axle and we fought really hard to get it back for freestyle, but it seemed like the truck kept fighting us. First the broken piece of axle got stuck in the locker, then we going back together the bearings in our hub kept falling out so we had to keep fighting them in and then the outer cover where the axle goes wouldn’t go on right so sadly we missed donuts and freestyle. Then on Sunday the axle we put in slid out of the outer axle on Rott in intros but we thought the locker was broke so we just ran it and missed freestyle which really sucks because we could’ve had that fixed easy and probably been back in donuts. It’s really disappointing for me Kristen and Rudy to miss competitions as the crew because it’s on us but we’re still learning and trying our hardest. On the bright side of Sunday Trent once again got 2nd overall in the event. Oh and Trent destroyed the Shark body on Sunday and Jack did some body damage this week as well.Now we’re at the Vaters Motorsports shop before heading to Uniondale, NY! 

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  7. 6 hours ago, maxdman said:

    Are you guys having a very tough year so far parts wise and breakage wise? Or is this normal ware and tear on trucks?

    This is been a tough year on parts. Part of it is the trucks adjusting to new parts because they have been changed some, so with changes you have to keep chasing down weak links in the trucks until everything gets kinda working together again, especially in Rott because it got changed quite a bit. On top of that you have a rookie driver who’s still learning, and a driver who’s used to a truck that handles completely different than what he’s driving now. It is getting better tho, and hopefully the weekends get better as they go. For some comparison, last year with Darren and Kaylyn we ran pretty hard too and for the first 5 weekends of first quarter we didn’t break anything, just had a lot of body damage. But everything will work itself in and get workin right 

  8. So Milwaukee has come and passed. Friday night right off the bat Jack broke the locker in the front end which has actually been messed up for awhile because it wouldn’t unlock for whatever reason so it finally unlocked and broke but with the Pettibones we wouldn’t have time to fix it during the show and on top of that we had no tunnel to work in during the show so if we broke we were pretty much screwed. So we got through Friday night and worked pretty late getting the third member changed out in Rottweiler. Saturday afternoon show we knocked a ground cable loose but thought we had a problem with the Feld RII so we changed the Feld RII out and fixed the ground cable because Mutt wouldn’t run during wheelies, then in freestyle Jack broke a block out valve in the rear steer and messed up the rear steer pump so we had to hurry up and change that before the Saturday night show which cut it close because we had to chase the problem down. And then in the last show Trent broke an outer axle in the rear of the shark but we made it through and got loaded up. This week was pretty cool because we got to work at the Paxton shop which was a first for me Kristen and Rudy, so that was neat. Now we’re off to Newark New Jersey for another 3 shows, Megalodon has a display tomorrow and then we have 2 shows on Saturday and one Sunday so come see us! 

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  9. 4 hours ago, steiale said:

    Milwaukee was probably the best show I've been too. Got to see Menninga moonwalk for 2 wheels plus Bari had a cartwheel in his freestyle. Disagreed with a decent majority of the fan judging. Scooby made 4 hits and sliced open a tire, and that beat both Shark and Rotty who had decent runs that filled the clock. I thought that Jack and Trent were pretty good, but the fans weren't giving them too much love with scores...


    The fans haven’t been kind to us anywhere we go so far 

  10. 24 minutes ago, Gojifan 1994 said:

    Ok hopefully you can fulfill your dreams i also want to be a driver as well but tell me what does it take and how much money it's my last question then ill let you get back to work 

    it just takes a lot of hard work. The best advice I can give is to volunteer in any way you can and work hard, ask drivers if you can help out at local shows. I just got lucky having family in the business that got me in and gave me a chance. And the it just depends on the team on what you get paid 

  11. 37 minutes ago, Gojifan 1994 said:

    Ok last question do you think you could possibly be a monster jam driver 

    I really hope so, I’m working hard and hope to own my own team one day, and it’s a blast to drive trucks. I move them around a lot and I once got the chance to jump Jester a few times so it’s my dream to drive full time and hopefully soon!

  12. Well Kansas City has past by. It was really cool getting to crew at an arena I use to go to every year when I was a kid. Friday before the first show when we showed up we had to throw an axle that had been over nighted to us into Megalodon, then we had intro practice where we realized the truck had a broken locker so we had to rip apart the locker in the shark right before the show and got it ready for the show, then Jack slid into the wall in racing and messed up the front steering and we couldn’t figure out what was wrong with it so we thrashed and thrashed but missed the show sadly. Then Saturday during The first show Trent broke another axle and Jack blew out some seals in the steering orbital, so we had to thrash once again between shows but we made it. Then Saturday night Jack broke another axle, and the batteries kept dying so we changed a battery, had to fix the rear steer and change an axle Saturday night and from all our long nights I actually fell asleep in the truck waiting to test the steering lol. And then finally Sunday we made it through the whol show with no issues and damage other than Trent destroyed the shark hood. This week we had a little work to do but not bad, once again we were at Creten’s. Heading out for Milwaukee tonight, Rottweiler has a display tomorrow! Come see us! And come check us out This weekend 

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  13. You can climb in and out of the door hole of the truck, it’s just a little tight plus his windshield actually pops out in a way so that he can get in and out of it. And the motor isn’t any closer to the cab as any other truck, the main rail of the frame that holds the fiberglass roof was just lowered, the motor didn’t move. And I am taller than Jimmy, and I sat in his seat which I fit pretty good in and I had enough room to be wearing a helmet and have space between me and the roof so Jim should have plenty of room in the cab and not have to worry about hitting the roof. As long as you strap yourself in right (which I think we can all assume Jim knows how to strap in by now) and your helmet isn’t already hitting the roof, you won’t ever move enough to hit the roof 

  14. The cab inside Is tiny- that’s me sitting in it in the picture, and it barely has enough room to move around in, and you have to stick your body out the wind shield to get in the cab lol. It looks awesome and different. My only small concern is the front shocks at that extreme angle might be weird and I worry for the crew guys if the motor ever blows cuz the air filter sits right under the rails for the Roof lol so it has to be disassembled to be pulled lol. But the truck looks great and I think it will be very competitive 

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