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Nick Migues

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Everything posted by Nick Migues

  1. This is been a tough year on parts. Part of it is the trucks adjusting to new parts because they have been changed some, so with changes you have to keep chasing down weak links in the trucks until everything gets kinda working together again, especially in Rott because it got changed quite a bit. On top of that you have a rookie driver who’s still learning, and a driver who’s used to a truck that handles completely different than what he’s driving now. It is getting better tho, and hopefully the weekends get better as they go. For some comparison, last year with Darren and Kaylyn we ran pretty hard too and for the first 5 weekends of first quarter we didn’t break anything, just had a lot of body damage. But everything will work itself in and get workin right
  2. So Milwaukee has come and passed. Friday night right off the bat Jack broke the locker in the front end which has actually been messed up for awhile because it wouldn’t unlock for whatever reason so it finally unlocked and broke but with the Pettibones we wouldn’t have time to fix it during the show and on top of that we had no tunnel to work in during the show so if we broke we were pretty much screwed. So we got through Friday night and worked pretty late getting the third member changed out in Rottweiler. Saturday afternoon show we knocked a ground cable loose but thought we had a problem with the Feld RII so we changed the Feld RII out and fixed the ground cable because Mutt wouldn’t run during wheelies, then in freestyle Jack broke a block out valve in the rear steer and messed up the rear steer pump so we had to hurry up and change that before the Saturday night show which cut it close because we had to chase the problem down. And then in the last show Trent broke an outer axle in the rear of the shark but we made it through and got loaded up. This week was pretty cool because we got to work at the Paxton shop which was a first for me Kristen and Rudy, so that was neat. Now we’re off to Newark New Jersey for another 3 shows, Megalodon has a display tomorrow and then we have 2 shows on Saturday and one Sunday so come see us!
  3. The fans haven’t been kind to us anywhere we go so far
  4. You’re welcome, they definitely keep us busy lol and thank you!
  5. I really hope so, I’m working hard and hope to own my own team one day, and it’s a blast to drive trucks. I move them around a lot and I once got the chance to jump Jester a few times so it’s my dream to drive full time and hopefully soon!
  6. It’s pretty cool, it’s how I got my shot in the industry, I was their crew guy for a little over a year so it’s been a pretty fun experience with them
  7. We’re all hoping for some better luck, the trucks have struggled but I think we’ll have a strong weekend and hopefully even get our first win
  8. Well Kansas City has past by. It was really cool getting to crew at an arena I use to go to every year when I was a kid. Friday before the first show when we showed up we had to throw an axle that had been over nighted to us into Megalodon, then we had intro practice where we realized the truck had a broken locker so we had to rip apart the locker in the shark right before the show and got it ready for the show, then Jack slid into the wall in racing and messed up the front steering and we couldn’t figure out what was wrong with it so we thrashed and thrashed but missed the show sadly. Then Saturday during The first show Trent broke another axle and Jack blew out some seals in the steering orbital, so we had to thrash once again between shows but we made it. Then Saturday night Jack broke another axle, and the batteries kept dying so we changed a battery, had to fix the rear steer and change an axle Saturday night and from all our long nights I actually fell asleep in the truck waiting to test the steering lol. And then finally Sunday we made it through the whol show with no issues and damage other than Trent destroyed the shark hood. This week we had a little work to do but not bad, once again we were at Creten’s. Heading out for Milwaukee tonight, Rottweiler has a display tomorrow! Come see us! And come check us out This weekend
  9. You can climb in and out of the door hole of the truck, it’s just a little tight plus his windshield actually pops out in a way so that he can get in and out of it. And the motor isn’t any closer to the cab as any other truck, the main rail of the frame that holds the fiberglass roof was just lowered, the motor didn’t move. And I am taller than Jimmy, and I sat in his seat which I fit pretty good in and I had enough room to be wearing a helmet and have space between me and the roof so Jim should have plenty of room in the cab and not have to worry about hitting the roof. As long as you strap yourself in right (which I think we can all assume Jim knows how to strap in by now) and your helmet isn’t already hitting the roof, you won’t ever move enough to hit the roof
  10. The cab inside Is tiny- that’s me sitting in it in the picture, and it barely has enough room to move around in, and you have to stick your body out the wind shield to get in the cab lol. It looks awesome and different. My only small concern is the front shocks at that extreme angle might be weird and I worry for the crew guys if the motor ever blows cuz the air filter sits right under the rails for the Roof lol so it has to be disassembled to be pulled lol. But the truck looks great and I think it will be very competitive
  11. Jimmy narrowed and lowered his cage and made It a lot smaller to shave off weight and save body damage. His rear shocks didn’t actually move from where they used to be like it appears they did, but his front shocks are a sharper angle with a coil bump stop on the front. Idk how to share pics from my phone but I have one with no body on it in the shop since we’re in his shop rn
  12. Well Nashville is over and what a weekend it was. We arrived on Wednesday and took both Rott and Shark to the display because we couldn’t unload, then Thursday we set up for our first practice. Jack didn’t want to break so he just putted around, but Trent wanted to get a feel for Razin Kane so in wheelies he went out and we thought he broke a locker, so after the show we started to rip the truck apart and realized it was just the drive shaft that broke but we already had it part way apart so we decided to pull the diff to check the locker anyways because it was acting weird, and we worked til about 8 or 9 that night putting it all back together, got everything ready for the next practice show on Friday. Come Friday first practice the front sway bars ripped the bolts out of the sway bar blocks, then the 2nd show got changed to just intro practice but then after intro practice drivers were allowed to go make some hits to get a little more practice in, so Trent went out to try a stoppie and it over extended the rear sway bar because we had the wrong ones on it so they were too short. Got all that fixed, put the shark body on and did our regular maintenance for the first show Saturday. It went good, I can’t remember where we placed in each show it’s all kind of a blur lol but in the first show Jack broke both inner axles and the locker in the rear of Rottweiler so in between shows me and Kristen and Rudy and Jack along with a few Feld crew guys thrashed hard to get it ready for the next show which we made it in time, then in the second show in wheelies Trent exploded the U joint that holds our inner axles to the outer axle, so we thrashed on it again and sadly missed donuts but made it back out for freestyle, where we found Jacks limit straps were too short which caused the rear shocks to rip apart on the passenger side. We also had lots of little problems, Trent’s front steering is acting up, and the timing on the engine was off on Shark so it wouldn’t run, lots of little leaks and such that we tried to take care of. We worked until about 1 am on Saturday night then came in about 7 am on Sunday morning and finished up to get ready for the last show. Sunday’s show wasn’t bad but once again in wheelies the same axle slipped apart because we left a bolt out of it in our rushing situation so the shark once again missed donuts and made it for freestyle but it still acts like it has a broken axle so I’m not sure what’s up with the truck but we have to pull the axles apart. And then In donuts Jack broke a blower belt and me and Kristen fought hard to get it back out for freestyle but we missed it too sadly. It was a long weekend for the team and we learned a lot and fought hard. I think we’ll be on TV, they filmed us thrashing on Shark on Saturday night for FS1 which airs this upcoming sunday so if you see us take a pic and share it here because we won’t be able to watch it since we have a show on Sunday. We’re now actually at Jim Creten’s shop getting ready for our shows in Kansas City this weekend, which I’m really excited for because I’m from here and I have memories of watching the show in the Sprint Center when I was younger so it’s rewlly cool to be back crewing. Hoping for a good weekend this weekend! Thanks for reading everyone, I’ll be back next week. Hope you all have a good week!
  13. They redid the cradle, and shortened the chassis and changed the wheelie bar setup on the rear as well as a few other parts here and there, the truck also got new PEI housings as well. It’s like half of a brand new truck lol
  14. So just a quick update, been back at the shop since Saturday, and done quite a bit. Both trucks got their feld bodies, and they look great! Both trucks are ready to go, just gotta mount the tail on Rottweiler and load up the trailer then we're Nashville bound! On Wednesday Megalodon and Trent have a display at Americas Best Contacts/Eyeglasses for all my Nashville peeps, but I will say I dont know the address for the display and MJ has no info on it but if I find the info sheet with the display info on it Ill come back and share! Be advised tho, theres a chance it may be to cold to unload the Shark so it may just be a open trailer display. Then Thursday and Friday we have practice sessions, then 3 Shows on Saturday and Sunday! Super excited to be back on the road, its gonna be a lot of fun. I'll be back next Monday or Tuesday with another update on Nashville! Thanks for reading and happy new year!
  15. It’s a blast but very hard at the same time. It can be a lot of fun getting to hang out and meet new people, and it’s very rewarding to see hard work pay off when your truck performs well. But it’s also very hard, with the constant working- 1 day you could barely work 10 hours, then the next day you’re up until 3 or 4 am working, just to be up by 8 am the next day to go back to work to finish up before the show. It can also be very hard being on the road constantly, gone from friends and family and home. Overall it has its pros and cons but if it’s your dream it’s worth it all, I certainly wouldn’t change a thing and don’t regret it at all.
  16. So first off ill say all my posts will be replies to this thread from now on so i dont clog up the forum lol. This will be weekly as well so look for them every Monday-Tuesday depending on when I can do it. So I'll start off with my first 2 weeks down in DeLand Florida at the Razin Kane shop. We're building a brand new Amaile Oil Xtermigator truck, and the former Xtermigator got several frame updates and changes to be ready to become Monster Mutt Rottweiler during first quarter. These trucks have fought so hard to go back together. Its just seemed like one thing after another, getting stuck on waiting for parts to show up and other things just not wanting to fit right no matter what. The first week was basic stuff, putting housings and drive lines into the trucks but still didnt have axle parts or the motor and trans for Rott, and same for the Gator, so we got alot of other small stuff like running lines and mounted seats and a few various pumps. Finally over the weekend we got the motor for Rott, and was able to get the motor and trans in.. Finally felt like progress. Then this week, we got our corner/Axle parts, which dont quite want to go together either but after a little fighting we got 2 out of 4 corners completely done and the other 2 were most of the way there.. when we realized that the tie bars and steering rams dont fit, because the knuckles didnt extend out far enough so the bars hit the back of the housing on both the front and back of Rott, so they had to come all back apart to get the housings fixed. Lots of other little problems, which was a bummer seeing as how the trucks were so close at one point before having to undo alot. When we left, Xtermigator just needed shocks, wiring and some other various small things, and Rottweiler needed wiring and all the axle parts. I'm home now, but I think we're going back later this week to help finish up and get ready for our first shows in Nashville, Tn. This week they should be able to get close, I think they got the housings fixed yesterday on Rott and the trucks are getting wired this week as well so hopefully soon they will be ready for the Rottweiler and Razin Kane should be ready for the Megalodon body! it was a awesome experience and I cant wait for first quarter. Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed, I'm not sure how well written this was its my first blog lol but I think I'll get better. Thanks everyone and Merry Christmas! Feel free to hit me up in this forum with questions or feedback too
  17. So i'm not sure if this is the right place for this, so if someone knows the correct forum to post this in feel free to move it lol. So I had an idea that maybe I thought it'd be cool if I wrote like a weekly blog kind of deal just to kind of share what its like to be on the road on a team and be a crew guy. Of course, this year im with a new team, rather than Darren and Kaylyn I'm now with Team RKMT, crewing for Trent Montgomery and Jack Brown in Megalodon and Monster Mutt Rottweiler. I'm very excited to start with this new team, it's gonna be a blast and its really special because I'm also on this crew with my girlfriend so its just going to be a fun year, and I thought it'd be fun to share my experiences with everyone. I'd like to know what yall think of the idea! So please let me know if you'd be interested in reading something like this, weekly, throughout first quarter and beyond. Thanks!- Nick Migues
  18. I asked him on his instagram post about the chassis, PEI 1 is becoming Stinger, PEI 2 is for his wife, MOD is staying the same and current Stinger is being torn down and maybe rebuilt, all exactly what Zane said. So maybe 4 truck team now past 4 quarter from the sounds of it
  19. The entire Triple threat central tour is my shows lol
  20. It doesnt cost indies to run FELD bodies, they actually get paid a little extra but it does suck that indie names are being pushed out. But indies have the option if asked by feld to say no as well
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