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Nick Migues

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Everything posted by Nick Migues

  1. The thing is with Wonder Woman tho is with Man Of Steel they didn’t throw a rookie into the WF. Plus being in the DDS still gives the truck WF exposure which is basically what they want. I don’t see them puttin her or anyone else in that truck in the main field this year
  2. The thing with Dishman is he’s never even made a pass or even displayed at Vegas so I wouldn’t really pick him as a winner just yet on that. Just because he’s won racing twice doesn’t mean anything, Chicago isn’t the same as the Vegas J hook. The truck should handle Vegas well tho, those ram trucks make huge power. Also I’m hopeful for Eric being in but I’m a little skeptical as it seems they give indies about 2 years in Vegas before either being promoted to main field or not being invited at all, and on top of of that Eric didn’t have a full schedule this year as well so I’m hopeful but unsure there.
  3. Here’s what im thinking on the DDS: 1. Krysten Anderson- Digger 2. Armando Castro- El Toro 3. Ami Houde- Zombie 4. Collette Davis- Wonder Woman 5. Kayla Blood- El Toro 6. Myranda Cozad- Scooby 7. Tony Ochs- Black Ops 8. Brandon Vinson- Digger 9. Jared Eichelberger- Max-D 10. Pirates Curse- Camden Murphy 11. Rage- Cory Rummell 12. Stinger- Zane Rettew 13. Jester- Matt Pagliarulo 14. Bernard Lyght- Alien 15. Mat Dishman- Rammunition 16. Blue Thunder- Matt Cody Or Over Bored- Jamey Garner im not a fan of this lineup,but l also don’t expect a huge independent presence either. Of course they’re gonna put in their drivers first, so which ever ones don’t make it in the main field will fill up spots in the DDS. I also think it’s very possible for Mark List to be on this list as well. I think Eric Swanson and Cynthia Gauthier will move up to the main field this year, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if Eric is in DDS again simply because he didn’t have a full schedule this year. Obviously for the TT central, everyone in the top 3 is already WF competitors so basically everyone else is either out or in the DDS so I think they’ll use the rest of their drivers but I don’t think Jack and Trent will be in it either. On the east and west, I think Sipes and Tristan will win their tours pretty much placing everyone else in the DDS or with no invites. across the board I just see the DDS this year as a place for the Feld drivers who missed the WF from mainly the arena tours.
  4. Personally if Armando doesn’t win I think he should be in DDS since he’s never even been in that. I hope Chuck makes it in the WF, and I could see Becky getting Mutt for WF as well. I don’t see them taking Colton or any other digger driver or maxd driver out of those trucks for Mutt. Also if Sipes wins his tour I honestly don’t see Blackwell getting a spot, he only competed last year because Sipes couldn’t so I don’t see them putting Blackwell in this year. I’m excited to see more announcements as well as tour winners
  5. On a side note I think this first quarter is really catching up with us. We’re all pretty exhausted and haven’t slept much this year and it’s been tough because unlike last year we havent been back to our shop at all so just hotel after hotel has been a little rough lol. But we’re having fun and soon we should find out if we made Vegas so fingers crossed because I really want to compete this year, so hoping to make it this year since this year is the last year for World Finals there. Gonna be a long last few weeks, 4 shows in Allentown, 6 shows in Rosemont and maybe even 7 in Rosemont if we do the Boy Scout show, and then 5 in Grand Rapids to top it off. Either way I’m ready for a little break lol. Hope to see some of y’all around!
  6. They cover the body damage but on that note budget wise they include us in that having to be careful about destroying the bodies. And we also have to send them damage reports on them every week as well
  7. Indies don’t pick their bodies. We didn’t pick Rott or Shark, but I don’t really know the reasoning they were given To us either
  8. I’m not sure Kevin is really deserving of a spot. He’s a good driver but I don’t think he’s World Finals caliber either. To me either Cynthia should be in it, or just don’t have a normal Mutt. It’s not as big as it used to be anyways
  9. Baltimore was a good weekend! It was somewhat warm which was nice. Kicked off Friday with a broken axle in Shark in freestyle, got that fixed up for the next day of shows. This one was weird because we pitted in a tunnel where you had to drive out in the parking lot where the trailers were then into a tiny tunnel into the arena so that was odd trying to get through parking for pit party. Then Saturday afternoon I made a mistake and forgot to bolt down a limit strap which stretched a shock and broke it so between shows we had to rebuild shocks which wasn’t bad then in the night show a shock on the other side of the rear broke again so we had to rebuild it again for Sunday’s show. Then Sunday we had a really good show, broke another axle in shark in freestyle but other than it all just went well. We got loaded up really fast and walked around Baltimore some which was fun. Working at Vaters again this week. On Thursday we a have a display with Rott in Allentown PA, with 4 shows on Friday, Saturday and Sunday! Come check us out!!
  10. I mean I feel like Creten should get a spot, he’s won racing a few times this year and has been very consistent and the first few times he lost he lost because of the truck having issues not him. I think with the new truck this year could be his year
  11. For anyone in the Hagerstown area, Megalodon has a display on Thursday at America’s best at 3 so come see us for our first display we’re actually unloading at This year lol
  12. Yep it’s a crew cab. Only trucks that run that body that I know of is Northern Nightmare, Nitro Menace and Jailbird
  13. Pittsburgh! We had a crazy weekend. Friday night Trent had his first rollover in wheelies and then lost rear steering and Jack broke a ground wire on the battery killing the truck in wheelies and freestyle. After the show we threw a rear steer pump in the Shark and did a little work to the body. Then Saturday afternoon show went pretty good but Trent broke a rear drive shaft so we thrashed to get it ready for the night show. In the night show in donuts the u joint exploded in the axle and also took out the inner axle so we thrashed with the help of a few Feld guys and got it done about half way through freestyle but they said we missed our chance to run. And then Trent rolled again in freestyle so we had some work to do the body. And in jacks truck we checked the locker and thought it was good but today in racing it gave out so it ran everything but freestyle because we couldn’t fix the locker in time for anything in the show. And then in wheelies Trent ripped the shocks apart which ended his day because we didn’t have any spare shocks. Then to cap it all off it poured rain while tiring down which made everything slick which sucked because our trailers were parked facing down hill. All in all a rough weekend but on to Vaters again to put our junk together for Baltimore
  14. They have after show autographs at arenas but not stadiums. Which makes sense because arenas don’t have 70,000 people to sign for like stadiums. Besides watch a mj show from 2009 and then watch from today and then sit there and tell me they have not gotten better 😂 Drivers have added way more tricks, trucks are able to handle more abuse and they have designed shows to be just constant action packed, fast moving fun for high entertainment. They definitely made it more exciting I’ll give them that. And believe it or not MJ doesn’t care who wins
  15. Rottweiler also doesn’t have a tongue anymore, and if it’s the Team Scream Rott then it doesn’t have those beadlocked rims either
  16. No I don’t usually know where it is until we pull in but if I do I’ll let you know
  17. Well Uniondale was a fun (and very cold) one. First show out Friday wasn’t bad but in wheelies jack broke a steering ram and a block out valve in the rear steer and we were unable to get it ready in time for the rest of the show, and then in freestyle Trent lost a transmission. Got it fixed up for Saturday show which went pretty good, no issues and no breakage and if I remember right it’s the show Trent beat Jack in the speedster finals which was cool. Then Saturday night Trent broke a front steering ram and Jack had some rear steer issues so we got all that lined out for our last show. Then in the last show Jacks rear steer kept hanging up so we had to take the rear steer pump valve apart a few times, and then in freestyle Jack broke another rear steer ram and we think Trent either broke 2 inner axles in the rear or broke the locker, we’re not sure yet. All in all wasn’t horrible altho I think i got about 6 hours of sleep this weekend so I’m pretty exhausted lol. But unlike last year I got to watch the Super Bowl today which was a great game and a nice ending to the weekend. Going to Vaters shop tomorrow to get some more things lined out with the trucks hopefully and then we’re off to Pittsburgh which I believe we have a display for on Thursday. Come see us and have a good week everyone!
  18. Everyone on our tour has the same interview every weekend too. Just how they do it now by asking yhe same questions
  19. Probably just to show that he’s trying and wanted to share and probably to get insight and help as well on it
  20. Yeahhhh that body is pretty well destroyed now which is pretty impressive for a body that never got rolled lol
  21. Well Newark was the best weekend yet! We made it through the whole first show with no issues, and not only that but the trucks did well! Jack had beautiful wheelies and even ripped the wheelie bar off on Saturday night and Trent killed it as always, Trent even picked up his first win of the year in speedsters. Overall Trent finished 2nd in the first event. 2nd show Jack broke an inner axle and we fought really hard to get it back for freestyle, but it seemed like the truck kept fighting us. First the broken piece of axle got stuck in the locker, then we going back together the bearings in our hub kept falling out so we had to keep fighting them in and then the outer cover where the axle goes wouldn’t go on right so sadly we missed donuts and freestyle. Then on Sunday the axle we put in slid out of the outer axle on Rott in intros but we thought the locker was broke so we just ran it and missed freestyle which really sucks because we could’ve had that fixed easy and probably been back in donuts. It’s really disappointing for me Kristen and Rudy to miss competitions as the crew because it’s on us but we’re still learning and trying our hardest. On the bright side of Sunday Trent once again got 2nd overall in the event. Oh and Trent destroyed the Shark body on Sunday and Jack did some body damage this week as well.Now we’re at the Vaters Motorsports shop before heading to Uniondale, NY!
  22. Aren’t stadiums 2 minutes of freestyle anyways? Once you start getting past that long you’re really pushing the truck motor wise
  23. This is been a tough year on parts. Part of it is the trucks adjusting to new parts because they have been changed some, so with changes you have to keep chasing down weak links in the trucks until everything gets kinda working together again, especially in Rott because it got changed quite a bit. On top of that you have a rookie driver who’s still learning, and a driver who’s used to a truck that handles completely different than what he’s driving now. It is getting better tho, and hopefully the weekends get better as they go. For some comparison, last year with Darren and Kaylyn we ran pretty hard too and for the first 5 weekends of first quarter we didn’t break anything, just had a lot of body damage. But everything will work itself in and get workin right
  24. So Milwaukee has come and passed. Friday night right off the bat Jack broke the locker in the front end which has actually been messed up for awhile because it wouldn’t unlock for whatever reason so it finally unlocked and broke but with the Pettibones we wouldn’t have time to fix it during the show and on top of that we had no tunnel to work in during the show so if we broke we were pretty much screwed. So we got through Friday night and worked pretty late getting the third member changed out in Rottweiler. Saturday afternoon show we knocked a ground cable loose but thought we had a problem with the Feld RII so we changed the Feld RII out and fixed the ground cable because Mutt wouldn’t run during wheelies, then in freestyle Jack broke a block out valve in the rear steer and messed up the rear steer pump so we had to hurry up and change that before the Saturday night show which cut it close because we had to chase the problem down. And then in the last show Trent broke an outer axle in the rear of the shark but we made it through and got loaded up. This week was pretty cool because we got to work at the Paxton shop which was a first for me Kristen and Rudy, so that was neat. Now we’re off to Newark New Jersey for another 3 shows, Megalodon has a display tomorrow and then we have 2 shows on Saturday and one Sunday so come see us!
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