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Posts posted by rmnldr

  1. *Cough*


    Reporting in here, and I have to say....... 


    If there were to be a female monster truck show, I think that only girls should be allowed to attend it. Female commentators, female officials, hell I want the Monster Jam logo changed and I want the dirt painted with a MASSIVE Venus symbol.


    I'm not a feminist, and I'm not sexist. Runt nailed it on the head.


    And please, kitchen and laundry jokes are overused and they're not even funny. I don't get angry when I hear them; I just find them unoriginal and stale. If you wish to continue with the female jokes, I will comment on the puny size of your genitalia. (Whether it's true or not). 

    • Upvote 2
  2. Why..? Why would they bring such a horrible tragedy into the monster truck world? I hope that's a one time deal because it's a little outrageous to think they would run that months down the line when most of society has forgotten about the event and only the political aspects of it are thrashing around. 


    Just seems insensitive to me.


    And I didn't mean to make that pun xD Cba to edit though.

  3. Name: Katlynn "Katie/KT" Thorn

    Truck: Sick Kiss (hopefully)

    Age: 17 

    Bio: Newcomer to both RoR and the Sim-Monsters community. I've been honing my racing skills and have participated In a few fun runs in which I've won once in freestyle.

  4. I've physically been on the Superdome's floor and I can tell you it is massive. Yeah, all stadiums are roughly the same size because they are made to hold football fields, but some are a lot wider and more cavernous than others. It's often said by sports commentators that while inside the Superdome, they forget they're even inside. But once again, I brought this issue up not to compare the aesthetics of venues, but to come up with a safer and more efficient venue for the World Finals. Maybe I should rename the title.

  5. So do you guys think that the World Finals should be moved to any of these other great venues? The "Thunder Alley" style racing wouldn't be available everywhere but it would mean larger crowds, larger space for freestyle obstacles, and overall safer conditions for the audience and also the drivers.

  6. Tell your father I thank him for his service. I also have military in my family so if you need help just pm me


    Actually he isn't in the military... xD


    But happy holidays to all.

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