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Big A

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Everything posted by Big A

  1. Well if it's happening I'll give it a shot. . . No guarantees I'l get online all depends. . . If I can make it I'll take. . . Truck: Lucas Oil Crusader Name: Andrew Castagna AIM: andrewcastagna54@gmail.com
  2. I'd join. . . But as someone above said. . . Why not just FunRuns?
  3. The yes, on a CRD chassis.
  4. EXACTLY! W/ CRD (Silver) Chassis, Ukraine Tires, and Blue Beadlocks Yes, I know. . . But would the body work on a CRD?
  5. Name: Blue Thunder Body: Ford Super-duty (Used by old Thunder at WF 11) Chassis: CRD Paint (images of color/graphics): Right from Blue Thunder (Evans) Tires: Ukraine Beadlocks: Blue (Like 2013 Thunder) Picture of Superduty-body style. . .
  6. Big A


    I'm always interesting! You'll never know what I'll do next!
  7. Big A


    Dustin?!? Not even close. . .
  8. Big A


    I'm the one that is hated over at Monster Mayhem and got banned for asking serious (that end up getting deleted) questions when somebody else starts a "Conspiracy Theory" (that is still open) thread. So some of you people probably know me from over there. I'm 14 been playing ROR for like a month. . . That's all I think I have to say.
  9. Yes, just like that. Haha. Yeah. Just noticed that. Sorry. . .
  10. I was wondering if anyone can take the Blue Thunder (Evans) chassis and the Lucas Oil Crusader body and put the body on the chassis? I just like that chassis better. Also, can you change the beadlock color to red?
  11. I don't know about anyone else, but the two Sea Containers (backflip containers) are really hard to backflip on. Could they be made smoother? Also, could you add the "jack in the box" van on the right small jump as it was at the finals? Those would be my only suggestions.
  12. Sorry I did not show. I am having problems... AGAIN! Can I still try to qualify?
  13. AIM: andrewcastagna54@gmail.com Name: Andrew Castagna (Big A in Game) Truck: Captain's Curse (2013)
  14. In Philly I've been 1st row almost center. No clumps of dirt. Just a TON of dust...
  15. ** = a tad off topic. It's really hard to choose 1 as they are almost ALL extremely nice. **Minus Damon Bradshaw. Last year in Philly we waited in line for how long. Get there don't even get a hi. He takes the yearbooks sign's them and shoves them back. We ask to get a picture with him and he mad it seem like it was a big deal. He got up got the picture, and sat. Didn't say one word but "sure" when we asked for a picture.** There are two drivers who stand out above the rest to me though. . . . . They are both pretty underrated, but are talented and very nice drivers. They would be Linsey Weenk and John Seasock. Why? Because they are down to earth and are very social guys. I've had a few long conversations with them in Pit Parties and they are, again, very nice. After we talked to Weenk for a while, the security guard told him to speed it up and get the line moving and Linsey told him "These fans wait outside for hours just to get to meet us. I don't care if they have 1 thing or 10 things to be signed. I'm here for the fans. Without them I wouldn't have a job." Then John Seasock was about to be pulled out of line for his break during the Philly Pit Party and the security guard told him to hurry up or he'd be late for whatever he was supposed to do. John told him pretty much the same as Linsey and went to sign autographs and take pictures with the people left in line and would not leave until everybody was happy. That's what it's all about. Then they both (not a good example for competition in Philly for Linsey) go out and put on a awesome event for us and always deliver in Vegas too. There is no doubt they are the best and underrated drivers in the sport.
  16. Okay I'll take you guys off. I'll be watching Mania too.
  17. If anybody here got a random message on AIM, that was me. I just wanted to make sure I saved all of your AIM's right. . . .
  18. Philly 2010 on Speed. Middle of freestyle episode when they showed Pit Party, showed my sister with Dennis Anderson with me in the background. Also outside Pit Part in line during racing part of Philly 2010 + Picture on Monster Jam.com
  19. Since this will be my first event hosting, can you guys line up in the tunnel in your freestyle order to make it a little easier for me?
  20. I have seen on Youtube mulitple trucks sitting on the side of the arena. Can't they all just sit there?
  21. I don't know about anybody else, but when I hit the backflip (Sea Crates), my truck bounces back and will not flip. . .
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