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Posts posted by NavySonicShell

  1. less then ten grand? for ticking a option box? no thanks.

    my point stands, why bother wasting money on a mediocre OEM job when you can do it yourself for way cheaper with a base, bone stock truck.

    Because this is America, where most people are too lazy.
  2. Raptor is bigger and better then that hunk of junk. Raptor can carry more things and probably finish a offroad race faster then that Toyota.

    If I were to buy one I would buy the Tacoma just because the Raptor would take more gas then the Tacoma because the Raptor is a bigger truck then the Toyota

    Contradicted yourself there.
    • Upvote 1
  3. It sucks hearing about cancer, a girl at my school is currently losing her fourth (maybe third) family member to cancer. I'm so sorry for you, you are in my prayers.

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  4. Well it's just that I think a broken truck freestyling is quite entertaining

    I'm pretty sure you are the only person who chooses entertainment over the risk of a child being killed. Also, people keep complaining about FELD doing this and that, but what you need tor realize is FELD may not have the money to create giant obstacles in events, just like they may want to say money on their truck by not letting them get too broken. It irritates me that people don't realize that with a bad economy, budget cuts need to be made, less people going to FELD events, and FELD making less money equals, less of what people who follow the sport like us (we aren't really the target audience either) want to see.
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