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Everything posted by Voth

  1. Yeah if you guys could continue this conversation through AIM or skype that'd be great seeing as that messaging back and forth like this isn't considered a fun run.
  2. Looking at the pics again I might also need to dull the colors a bit for the green and yellow
  3. With the new Avenger chas/body/stuff that came out I decided to start working on some other ones, with the help of Ace. Credit for the chassis goes to AwesomeKong/Marcus. Still need to make the chassis a bit darker and touch up the shock setup. This one didn't need a repaint but some of the other world finals ones probably will get one. Thoughts?
  4. I got legend and lost. This is way harder haha
  5. Gotta go higher than 2048 for me lol. Might need a 4096
  6. Alex Lindgren I think I'm Brutus
  7. Voth

    Battlefield 3

    For those of you who don't already know, Battlefield 3 is free on Origin (basically a lesser version of steam) until June 3rd. Just thought I'd let you guys know for anyone who wants it. https://www.origin.com/en-us/store/buy/battlefield-3/pc-download/base-game/standard-edition You just have to install Origin and make an account and then install the game.
  8. AHAHAHAHAHA i cant literally even like actually rn
  9. Sorry about the audio (and double post) but I was just messing around and had some pretty awesome saves. 0:52 is probably the best save I've ever had
  10. Alex Lindgren alexkazam97@gmail.com Scorched 2.0 Voth
  11. Alex Lindgren alexkazam97@gmail.com Monster Energy
  12. It's being made already, but thanks for following the guidelines and fixing your mistake.
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