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Everything posted by mdemko

  1. Religion offends me. A bunch of self righteous do gooders who think you are wrong and going to hell just because you have a different point of view. Poeple who refuse to concider overwhelming evidence in favor of undocumented feel good stories that they think actually happened and use it as an excuse to percecute and deny human brings of basic rights offend and disgusts me.
  2. I'm an atheist and this offends me
  3. Still not as good as bailout. But it's a nice start lol
  4. Not even. Even if you take care of your junk, maintenance/up keep, engine rebuild, spare parts including fasteners, race fuel, tools, welding rod, transport(hauler and fuel cost), travel expenses( lodging, food, (weight permits? Increased toll fees)), storage, and the list goes on. An actual truck may cost $150K and up, but it's the stuff you don't think of that makes owning and operating a truck a $500K+ venture.
  5. Ha haha hahaha. Take it from someone who has half built one before, sh*t will bankrupt you.
  6. mdemko

    SST Bodies

    Yeah.... Mark already made a ford TT body and Andrew and fern worked on a Chevy body based on BJ Baldwins score truck. Just have to look around the DL section
  7. Welcome. Now go away
  8. Sim monsters: creepier than your 40year old neighbor that lives with his mom and drives a 98 Chevy van
  9. I want an isometric view. If that thing doesn't have flared fenders and bedsides, I will save all my daughters sh*tty diapers and leave them on your doorstep wambo.
  10. ITT: people b*tching about stuff
  11. Andrew... Can you post a straight side view? The wing at those angles does appear to be too tall.
  12. Snake Bite vs Carolina Crusher. That's what happens.
  13. The entire wall by the score board is a backflip ramp
  14. You just went full blown potato.
  15. You can only have one. Not both.
  16. Looks good. But good lord we need a new 04-05 Chevy body.
  17. They look like crap. Fill bucket is not your friend.
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