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Everything posted by mdemko

  1. "What Save was the biggest....?" That time in college I pulled out....
  2. I own both those things
  3. Whatchya know bout dat sideburn game yo?
  4. how bout posting them in the dl section?
  5. THE NEWEST KING KRUNCH The one with the flag scheme. DO IT NAOW !!!!!! Everybody spamm johan with.... KING KRUNCH!!!!!! DO IT NAOW the flag one or ill murder you
  6. the body is based off of a suburban.
  7. Depression and drugs. Suicide Is a sad way to go.
  8. Blah blah blah pre-season something something Texans will stillololol suck something something notevenmadbro.jpeg/dontgiveafudge
  9. ......AAAAAnnnnnd back to the studio. https://soundcloud.com/murky-matt/brain-slushie-wip-sample Brain Slushie---Sample Bt "Murky" Matt Demko aka Room Killa Dub
  10. So far recovery hasn't been that bad. Haven't had any strong cravings. Then again I didn't come off H. My D.O.C's were LSD, MDMA, and cocaine. And I'm not naming her bigwong.
  11. "The criteria is a 1-2 paragraph essay on why you think our child should be named after you lol. And yes we are serious about that. Post entry's in this thread."
  12. F_CKING 1-2 PARAGRAPH ESSAY. Read the entry requirements.
  13. You didn't type out a 1-2 paragraph statement on why we should name her Devin
  14. So news.... Aimee sent me this today will I was in rehab...
  15. It's a a triangle circumscribed in a circle.
  16. It's the AA symbol.... Not the illuminati
  17. And Jon, it's rule 16 of the internets. There are no girls on the internet. It's a trap bro.
  18. And if my child is a girl, I sure as hell ain't letting her on here with all you perverted assholes.
  19. Lol. We were going to use y'all's real names, but some of y'all's usernames would be pretty dope.
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