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Chris B

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Posts posted by Chris B

  1. Joliet 2016's almost done modeling-wise



    (Those weird looking circle things by the light poles are trees, they just look funny in solid view)



    My spin-off of Night Life is coming along great. Yalls ain't ready for what's in store...


    (That back thing's gonna be lexan)

    • Upvote 7
  2. 2 hours ago, carkiller458 said:


    so heres this., I used the middle ramp from Roanoke  so don't be mad


    Looks okay for a start, but the dirt textures don't match up. Make sure you use the correct ones for the jumps and floor. Also, I strongly recommend baking and then overlaying it for your jumps; it will give it realistic shadows (Thargo has a tutorial on that on YouTube). 

  3. 10 hours ago, Max-D Is The Best said:

    i have my external fov to 60 and internal to 75 and mine looks fine.

    Thanks, tried those settings and everything now looks way better. Turns out it was internal FOV screwing me up. Looks like I'll be spending some time tomorrow moving my stuff over to .4 :) 

  4. Random question that's kind of on topic...

    I've recently decided to make the switch to .4.6, which is indeed a massive improvement to my old version, .38. However, the one thing that's really bugging me about .4 is the default camera angle. The depth of field of the 3rd person camera make every track I'm on seem huge and stretched, which is really different and kind of annoying. The cinematic and first person are fine, but usually I drive 3rd person. I've tried adjusting the default FOV in the settings and turning camera pitching on/off, but it still comes out like this. My question is is there anyway to go into my files and just copy and paste my camera settings from .38? If so, how? Here's a comparison... (.38 on the left, .4 on the right)


    Thanks in advance!


  5. 19 hours ago, tyrannos said:


    thanks jack

    BakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBakeBake pls

    • Upvote 1
  6. 19 minutes ago, monsterjam1 said:

    can somebody help with when your erasing paint so it looks like a truck drove over it so it looks more realistic 


    I use the clone stamping tool on a low opacity. What this does is translate a certain part of the picture over your spot, but doesn't completely cover it. Make sure you're also using a really soft brush when using it to make sure it flows. Use google (i'm sure there's some tutorials) to practice getting used to the tool, cause I can't really explain it in detail.


    Since I'm nice, here's some tutorials





  7. 18 minutes ago, Mark Colineri said:

    As per Joyride, that isn't actually for Wrecking Crew. That chassis is going to be for Jim. This has seemed to go seemingly overlooked and not talked about at all, but 2017 is Avengers 20th anniversary, and he is building a new chassis for himself.


    Speaking of Joyride, absolutely awesome film. 2 hours of great action, behind the scenes, and interviews. The ending, with Jim's monologue about how monster trucks started in the Pontiac Silverdome and how he started, fast forwarding to today, was a great way to end the film and actually gave me the chills. Highly recommend picking it up for the holiday season. 

    That logo is sick. Anyhow, really hope Jim's new piece will put him back in the spot light. If it's anything like Rage, he should be a contender for some more stadium fs wins. Lol seems like all the MTT drivers are getting new chassis (Jones, Garner, Rummel, now Kohler etc)


    Also, anyone know if they're actually gonna come out with a digital release of Joyride? I know they said something about it. Would much rather watch it on my phone than as a Dvd

  8. From this year, it would have to be Tom's save from Indy where he literally ran over Lucas Oil Crusader (at Lucas Oil Stadium lol)


    Of all time...

    Either this:



    Or getting to chat with Derick Anson (Heavy Hitter) on and off over 2 days at the Soaring Eagle. Lol he literally had a room 2 doors down from us. Staying at Sunset Station in Vegas is always fun too, even was in an elevator with Dennis Anderson and Chris Bergeron lol.

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