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Everything posted by Elias

  1. i know what you mean by that but you can agree his run was solid maybe his best run ever im not saying he doesnt deserve it but i thought the judges where wrong last year with almost everything and that is my opinion
  2. thats why we have show your project search it up and enjoy
  3. mikes run was good but the only major thing he did was that giant leap witch came after bonus time
  4. ok sorry just didnt know what we meant
  5. i dont think their talking about blender
  6. now that we looked at the trucks can we take a minute and look at our beautiful fan judging if you remember how good of a job they did last year
  7. exactly i like sims but i kinda see why feld didnt invite him but alex was amazing in videos that i seen him in
  8. exactly even though they deserve it its kinda stupid in some way i just dont like it and that my opinion
  9. randy brown i can see him since he lost his man of steel truck after 1 year because of disney buying the rights to marvel
  10. clever never really payed attention to other drivers style except dennis and ryan, i kinda thought it was randy brown last year
  11. how do you guys know who drove it since they dont tell anyone
  12. oh havnt been paying that much attention to the main tour but still alex is better
  13. has the madusa truck even ran this year come on feld this is some bullsh!t
  14. ya i know that, i was just saying thats how you do it, i shouldve said to copy the old version and place it somewhere to keep it for when you need it
  15. some trucks you can just find the color and use the paint bucket like the nea blue and it wont go over the details just the body
  16. exactly he did amazing alot better than half of the trucks on the list
  17. id say barely lighten the caps on the rims
  18. no you just paint over the body and save it and it will show up the next time you use it
  19. http://www.getpaint.net/index.html download this it helps alot
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