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Nathan H.

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Posts posted by Nathan H.

  1. Imagine Dragons fan and I are trying to make a truck but whenever I spawn it in game the tires shocks and steering wheel show up. I have renamed every file and also changed the mesh names in the .truck file. Also, how do I make the painting layout in blender make the body 2D where it is like a png file. Then I also would like to know how I can paint a body in blender and then convert it to a .png file for paint.net or save it as a png fil in the truck folder.

  2. 21 hours ago, LeMaddog said:

    Honestly I'm just gonna give up, 'cause I don't think it's possible to add any sort of tires to V4 trucks. Guess I'll never be able to fulfill that one dude's request.

    Who's request? If it's a v4 truck I can go ahead and slap BKT's onto it right now and send you the link to download.

  3. I will be hosting a fun run at 3:30PM Eastern Time 2:30PM Central time this afternoon at the St.Louis 1999 USHRA Racing and freestyle course. Signups Should look like mine which is below.

    Make sure you have the track and the truck I will be using.

    Skype or Kik is not required as in game chat will be used.

    Server info: Host Name: ror.elitediamond.net Port Number: 12000


    Username: Smasher2016

    Truck: Aftershock 2016 Race Version

    Hope some people join me!



  4. 1 minute ago, Aeris Syrius said:

    Thanks for the help, but I don't think I'll need any manual help. For my next truck I'll be doing it relatively similar to this truck, but with better looks and stuff and I'll be using your tire guide. Appreciate it!

    Sounds nice! Can't wait to see your truck when you release it! 

  5. 10 minutes ago, Aeris Syrius said:

    I've made a decent first truck so far! All I need to do is:

    • Rearrange props
    • Add a flag
    • Recolor rims (to a purple shade)
    • Replace tires with new (working on it, I'll edit it to tell how it went)

    Can anybody help me on the last two? Not sure if I can even do it at this point. Then I'll have a pretty decent first truck!


    I'd be happy to help you finish it up if you need any help.

    • Upvote 1
  6. Well, someone probably asked a question about this and it's probably time to make this tutorial. This is a tutorial on how to work with tires on trucks. It will cover: How to change stock tires to different ones.

    (Updated Version)

    1) Find the .png, .mesh, and .material files for the tire you are CHANGING.

    2) Copy paste them into the location where your OgreXMLConverter is.

    3) Find the name of the tire files in the folder of the truck on which the tires will be changed.

    4) Copy the tires that you are changing to and paste in the folder, they will be named as copies.

    5) Delete original tire files that you are changing to.

    6) Rename the tires you are changing to to the name of the tire files in the desired truck's folder.

    7) Run the .MESH file through the XML Converter.

    8) Delete the original .mesh and then open the mesh .XML in notepad.

    9) Find the line above the large list of numbers by scrolling down a ways, it should be calling for the tire that it used to be.

    10) Replace that line with the name of the desired truck's tire name.

    11) Save that back to your desktop and rerun it through the XML Converter.

    12) Delete the mesh .xml file and then open the .material file in notepad.

    13) Find all the lines where it calls for the old tire and replace the NAME ONLY, not the part where it says (.png) with the name of the new tire.

    14) Save the .material file back to desktop and then move the .mesh, .material, and .png into the desired truck's folder.

    15) Click yes when it asks if you want to replace.

    16) Regenerate your RoR Cache and voila! You should be good to go! 



    New video that hopefully explains this concept in a better way. Enjoy!

    Sorry for horrible audio btw...

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