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Nathan H.

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Posts posted by Nathan H.

  1. 3 hours ago, AvengerBen said:

    Name: Wicked

    Body: costume Body

    Chassie: no clue

    This is the Australian versoin


    I'm sure this has been mentioned to you...

    If you're going to make a request to all the content creators here please try and actually take the time to make a proper request.

    • Upvote 1
  2. 42 minutes ago, Taurus Racer 13 said:

    Rename the PNG first before you even start in blender Then it should be right in the material file If its cloned right you should not have to change anything in the material file

    I'm cloning with OgreXML Converter, not blender.

  3. I am making my own custom truck and did all the cloning the correct way but in the .material file for the truck (which I have checked over 3 times now) if I use the name of the body png, it turns the paint inside out. Instead of accepting DawgHouse2017.png, the .material rejects that and only fixes the paint If I still put in GetJollyChrome, witht he png renamed. I really need help please. For pics it's in the SYP thread. Any help is appreciated, thanks!

  4. Just now, Skyliner849 said:

    The mesh file is with the Dawghouse paint name too? you have to change it there too

    btw i think you have to post this in the help section, IDK

    Yes I converted mesh and material file but it's the material file, it screws the paint inside out if I put DawgHouse2017.png in the body line. That's why I had to rename it to GetJollyChrome.png.

  5. Got the body working on DawgHouse but in it's material file when I try changing the body .png line to DawgHouse2017.png (the body painting) It doesn't ork, It only works if it is typed in as GetJollyChrome by using the Dawghouse body but rnemaed GetJollyChrome, any help?


    This is the paint that I renamed to GetJollyChrome.png, It's supposed to be DawgHouse2017.png but if I replace the lines with that, the pant turns inside out and shows the picture from paint.net (template or whatever). I cloned everything correctly and double checked and I really need help.




  6. Downloaded the Mud truck pack and got Vertigo into some larger shoes...


    One question, how do I make the width of the axle longer? I want to keep the coil shocks but the tires are i literally inside them when the truck is sitting still and not flexing.

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