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P3ForLife Customs

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Posts posted by P3ForLife Customs

  1. 31 minutes ago, Drifterkid18 said:

    when is this king krunch pack going to be released

    You didn't get the message from the last time you asked this? You really shouldn't pester creators about a release date. This isn't a job. No one owes any of us anything. These projects take a LOT of time and A LOT of effort. When you or anyone bother people constantly about release dates it can have the opposite effect of your intention. It doesn't make people say "wow this persons excited for my project". A lot of the time it can stress people out and turn the project into a chore. Say you like the project, say you're excited, say whatever. But it'll be released when it's released. And the quality of these projects will be more worth the wait if you're just patient and stop asking about when when when

    • Like 1
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  2. 3 hours ago, ABgamerX said:

    Speaking of big loops, this is a project I started months ago, took a break from it, and will prolly finish it at some point. Hasn't been tested yet in-game, but it's kind of like a Hot Wheels car playset inspired track. There are cones on the track to help the drivers navigate through the race track since it's a bit weird, but it's also imaginative, like what can be made with Hot Wheels playsets (The race layout will be shown off when the track is done). Also, the car junk pile monstrosity in the 2nd pic will prolly get yeeted because I was just bored that night and wanted to make something stupid, lol

    Oh yea that's fire 🔥🔥 looks like a lag fest for people like me with crappy computers but still looks like a lot of fun...I've had 2023 Spinmaster Showdown in the works for a while but it's on the backburner rn.. GOOD STUFF 👌🔥🔥🔥


    5 hours ago, zero_mass said:

    5 feet high racing lanes , loop , backflip wall , car stack 5 feet , jammer , plane , fountain , huge step up ramp , dirt with rocks in it , 2 cars in the middle , big giant tour logo in the middle my dream track



    Didn't even see this 🤯🤯 looks amazing

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  3. It's the numbers next to the "body.mesh". Make a copy of the truck file or write down the original code just so you don't lose it.

    The 3 numbers farthest to the left are to be left alone.

    The rest of them are what you gotta change and experiment with to try to find which ones are the up/down axis cuz it's generally different per mesh or area of the truck or something.

    To move it and get close, start with whole number movements. To fine tune, get into decimals.

  4. So this is just what I would do back when I'd edit almost every truck somehow. I can almost guarantee it's not the RIGHT way and you may have to adjust placement of props like Shocks or the body or something but yea this is a quick easy way to get your desired effect.

    Also if you're using it for a league you might want to send it to someone to check and see if your changes are legal.


    Make a copy of your original truck file so you don't have to worry if you don't like how it ends up.


    Anything you copy from one truck file goes to and replaces the same spot on the other.


    What I used to do is just copy from "engine" down to "rollon" from a truck with my desired gearing and copy it to the .truck file i want to swap it to.

    Then I'd swap nodes by copying everything from under "nodes" to just above "meshwheels" and swap that over to the truck you want to use, and lastly scroll down a bit and copy all the "shocks" areas and swap those over.

    And that was it. Like I said, prop placements are likely to change so just keep an eye on it.

  5. 37 minutes ago, WorpeX said:

    I had gone through and fixed some of the more important older trucks that still looked OK by today's standards (like wambos No Problem, Bigfoot 10/11, Boogey Van, etc) in a pack that isn't on SM. https://www.mediafire.com/file/csajw5m6bfzkpno/Rebuiltv4pack-v1.3.zip/file I think someone else had actually continued this pack after I stopped working on it too but I don't have a link to the higher versions of it.

    Anyway, sounds like you're planning on going much farther than I had ever gone with this idea (I definitely never changed out node beams). I'm all for more rebuilt trucks! Feel free to use what I have already done in your pack too if it helps save you some time.

    My only concern is that a lot of these older trucks have awful bodies/paint or they already have a new v4 version built of them. So, I'm not sure that going through and updating everything is worth your time.

    Awesome thanks! I appreciate the response.

    Years ago, probably summer 2017 I already went through and swapped props. The nodes I swapped for example is Swegs Avenger 2018 node onto prowler. Or the (I belive) 2018 chris kyle bounty hunter node onto scarlet bandit and q torque iron outlaw. So...REALISM and ACCURACY are completely disregarded for a lot of the trucks. I just customized them how I wanted. 

    Right now all I'm doing is trying to get stuff usable in .4 so if I'm doing the work and packing stuff anyways, might as well post it if people want it 🤷‍♂️ 

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